pot city USA


Active Member
dont forget to turn on a&e tonight at 9pm est to watch illegal grow houses being built and busted in northern californa. going to be a great show. I wonder if we can buy the equipment at auction?


Well-Known Member
anyone know someone busted on the show or better yet a poster that has been busted on the show? Would be interesting insight to the show and outcome?


Active Member
I am going to record it so i can watch many times over again so I can learn from their mistakes should I ever decide to go commerical... LOL


Active Member
I thoughttheywould show more lagell grows not how growers are destroying the community. that's fucked up. I would be pist off if it were my neighbor hood. I know it sounds funny but I am just a small time guy maybe 6-10 plants flowering at any given time. I would be poed if it were my rental. they should charge 10 g's securiety so they can rebuild for the nextguy


Well-Known Member
It definitely didn't show any of the good points about growing, that's for sure. Too bad idiots like the people growing in that town have to take what could have been a good thing and destroy it. Feel bad for the people in that town,,,,


Active Member
I feel bad for them also. they over look asmall thing and those assholes ruin the neighborhood! its all cash money no taxes and all they need to do is take care of the house and cut the front lawn. how hard is that and in return you get grow a cash crop worth its weight in gold! they must be stoned!


Active Member
That was really horrible that the people around there are makin us as growers look like idiots and vandals not to happy about that maybe there will be another one for a diffrent town glad to see others watched it peace and happy growing


Well-Known Member
I only caught the last half of the show. Typical BS propaganda piece typical of the mainstream media :roll:


Active Member
I only caught the last half of the show. Typical BS propaganda piece typical of the mainstream media :roll:
Well said ... its funny how they majority of the show was showing the bad side of growing.... sure there are idiots in every industry does that mean ur going to do a show about doctors and focus on the doctors who amputeded the wrong limb????

The best part of that show was that guy crying to the city council..... " theres a grow house right next to me, everyday step out of my house and i can smell it and see the meter spinning " LOOOOOL!!!!

What a dork