Post your Monster Buds


Well-Known Member
couple of different strains.... the biggest one with the water bottle was hashberry from mandala, the other big ass one with a coca cola can is rockbud which was a clone from my buddy.... also have some NYCD crossed with G13 from soma seeds that turned out pretty nice...

All those are grown under 600 watters 3 to be exact in a crawl space not even 4 feet tall so yes it takes some hard work to keep them short


Well-Known Member
here are some more various pics, i dont have many more i have only done a total of 5 cycles so im pretty new to this, but im definatly having a blast learning

If you guys have any questions about the pics just reference what picture you have a question about labeling them 1 through however many pics there are and i will answer whatever you want to know about it strain wise or whatever you might be interested in



Well-Known Member
Nice Bud's There Bro!!!!!!!~~~~Here I'll Play, These Were Grow Under 1,400watt's Eye Hortilux.

There Is Some Couch-Lock, Chemo, & Chonic-KindBud, All Mixed Together To Make A Hatch Salad!!!!!,,,,,,Best Of Luck!!!!!~~~```,,,Later, HATCH:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:



Active Member
I come up to snowmobile in AK a couple times a year. Can we hook up and load one of those monster buds? Hahaha.... nicely done man!


Well-Known Member
where are you from and when do you come up? Do you ride in southcentral AK or???

what are you riding and where are your favorite spots


Active Member
I'm from NW Montana and I'll be coming up to Anchorage to visit some of my buddies this winter. I was planning on putting my sled in a crate and shipping it up there via cargo container. This year I hope to ride Turnagain Pass south of Anchorage.

Currently I ride a 2008 Arctic Cat M1000 162 with Boondocker Nitrous and other good bits.

I'd love to ride other areas.... where in South Central AK are you? Would you possibly be near Hyder AK/Stewart BC border area? Stewart has some unbelievable terrain!