possible hermie


Active Member
ok i ordered feminized white widows from attitude seeds and i think 1 might be a hermie? im not sure, there is 1 spot on the plant that looks like its making seed pods, but it might just be bud forming, fuck i dont know.

Its almost 40 days into flowering, and only has 2-3 weeks left till its done, wtf?

can i just cut the balls off and keep a close eye on it? Im worried because i have 2 other ladies around this possible hermie and i dont want it to spread. My shitty camera cant take close enough pictures to show this off.

could i cut the balls off, let it finish, and smoke it?


Well-Known Member
If you cut the sacks off, twice as many of them will grow back. If you have kept it around your females this long I am sure they have been or will get pollinated.


Active Member
this is the first sack set thats formed. There is only 1 site of possible sacks on the plant. And i heard that since my bud is so close to being done i could just cut the sacks as they come and continue with harvest. i mean im only 2 weeks away.


Active Member
so will female hermies still smoke? and ive bought dank bags before that had a seed or 2 in them and they were still dank as shit. How many seeds will it actually make? How will the bud be?


Well-Known Member
Dude, if you got a hermie the sacks look more like bananas. Just pinch your "calyx's" and it will probably just flatten out. As your plant reaches the end of its life, the calyx's are thinking they are producing seed but they are not.