Possible hermie?


New Member
First time grower. I started seeing pistils about 12 days ago on this northern lights auto. However, yesterday I saw what looks like pollen sacs.


I found a total of 3, a single (in the picture) and a pair. I snipped off the pair to see what was inside but they weren't mature enough for me to identify anything.

Am I mistaking these for calyx's or do you think these are pollen sacs?

This is what the plant looks like in general:



Any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Ya those are pollen sacs. If it’s your only plant and no others around, then just keep it and keep picking them off. Did this with mine and after a week or so they stopped growing and buds came in nice. Pic attached of “hermie” at week 7.

Also, back off the N a little and clean up the dead leafs on the soil.

