Possible contamination before curing?


New Member
Okay everyone, I want to say hello, I've learned a lot from just browsing around here and want to thank everyone, I wouldn't of been successful in my first attempt with out your help.

On to the question

I tend to stray on the paranoid side sometimes.. and while moving my hanging meds to pick and cure I smacked the top of the plant into a light with a fabric type cover, it had some hairs and dust on it and I am concerned it may have contaminated my nug before curing. I checked it out with a magnifier and light and picked off any little hairs that got onto it.
I've searched around on here, google, etc but can't find an answer to put my mind at ease.

What is the likely hood I will get mold from this mishap? It is currently sitting chilly in a dark place curing, as far as i could tell it looked clean, but spores will be spores.

I apologize if this is an ignorant question.
The deal is ...you dry then cure..!

once dry ..those trics are very fragile,

knocking buds around is a No..No

but you recovered well, cleaned them up and you should be OK

as far as spores go (imo) don't go down this road

as spores are everywhere, at everyplace and into everything

its local climate and temperature that fires these guys off

a grower will often unbeknown set of mold growing conditions

and so long as you are above the cursed 18c/63F and under 50% Rh

you should be fine

good luck