
Active Member
Okay I've read and read and read and I understand how FLIR works and such. Anyways I live in a tiny remote town so cops are bored and always harrassing teens and adults alike. Anyways I live up some stairs that they call a street and well there where bears getting into trash so cops where always tromping around outside. Well one day I noticed that my blind had fell off the ledge of the sill and you could see a big ball of light through the crack (a CFL 6500k). I fixed that right away and blocked off my closets. Well the bears are gone now that its winter and the cops are still stopping by. I noticed one night that they where slowly shining my windows with a blue light. So I've kept watch and it happens 4 or 5 times a week. From what I read I find nothing about FLIR having a flashlight on the end... Rumor around town is they use laser pointers... What do you think is going on? Normally I'd just say its a closet grow and no worries but lately they been bustin everyone. I dont throw any gardening trash away or anything. Blinds are shut, should I worry? I wont be at the place I'm at for long as the lease is almost up and I'm freaked out about the cops. Anything I can do to help? I see these poly films and light wraps. My bud room light is on 9am to 9pm and is air cooled. I hear FLIR works best at night. I have no vents going out of the house just vents going into house from closet.


dude has long has you keep your mouth shut, and dont sell dope were u sleep you will be all good.


Well-Known Member
start taping them looking into your house with their flashlights, they cant do that for no reason! and then talk to a laywer about it. make sure you dont answer the door if they come by and want to talk or anything(usually they will approach w/a bogus story they got a call about blahblahblah and they are just checking the neighborhood), if they smell "the odor of marijuana" your fucked.