poppy seeds???


Well-Known Member
ok so i want to grow some poppy plants.. i read on here that the McCormick poppy seeds from the grocery store will germinate and produce red rosie poppy plants.. is this true? next is when and what is the process to germinate them? from what i have read there a cold weather plant.. any way can anyone point me in the right direction , thanks


Well-Known Member
get them from ebay. Really cheap. gigantiums and tazmanian are good

fill small styrofoam cups with dirt. toss 20 or so seeds on top (about a pinch worth)

Youll have to do this to a bunch of cups because you only get one or 2 plants per cup.


Pops are hard to grow, soil needs to be wet 24/7 for germination and it takes 10+ days.
Store bought rarely germ but it's possible. I used BouncingBearBotanicals :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
McCormics are usualy the Taz strain but not always, I would start with a known strain their cheap anyway.

I would start in pete/coir pellets poppys hate transplanting

http://opiumpoppies.org/ - form dedicated to growing poppys

Hears a few good articles to start you off right


The UNODC is a great source of info. they have tons of GREAT documents but are often hard to locate


Well-Known Member
wow thanks for the info.. a lot of shiat in growin the poppy..i guess the return is as good what you put in it..


Well-Known Member
haha i wouldnt say that but the return is cool.

poppies arent really strong enough to make anything good unless you have 100+

We grew about 50 only 20 ish lived and the stuff we got off em was good but for anyone with an opiate tolerance its not that much.

Need fields to get a good personal amount haha. buttheyre fun to grow none the less and a beautiful flower!


Well-Known Member
Poppies are easy to grow in my experience. Just throw out some seeds, and they grow. Year after year. They self sow. Mine are in partial shade, very little water, barely even tend to them, and they crowd out everything else.

Maybe people are speaking about opium poppies, which I haven't grown, but (since this is the regular gardening forum) I share my experience with California Poppies. I don't think from what I've read, that any particular family of poppy requires much different conditions than another. Mine are like weeds that have to be culled from places I don't want them.


Well-Known Member
Most if not all poppies contain some form/% of opioid(s) and could be used to make opium/heroine. Its just about getting the ones that make the most to be most productive.


Well-Known Member
so i heard that mccormick poppy seeds are red razzies or something like that.. Australia's morphine supply comes from reds.. so is there any truth to this???


Well-Known Member
Most of McCormac seeds are tazzie strain, http://www.ebay.com/itm/5000-TASMANIAN-Poppy-Papaver-Somniferum-Seeds-pink-white-poppies-alkaloids-/290958715101?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43be7da8dd Sometimes called purple tazzes

But not always McCormics is a large corporation that simply buys their seed from the cheapest source, If your thinking about growing poppys rember that becouse the seeds from opium produceing plants are sold a byproduct to O. But not all seeds on the store shelf are from O produceing plants , poppys are also grown for oil and other reasons

Red in a opium poppy production is rare today it was a popular strain up untill the 70's

Australia's opiodis as in synthedic's come from tasmania where they grow a strain called 'norman' a LOW Morphine strain, but has a high amount of thenbain which is then converted into synthedics . this low M strain looks very close to the tazz strain


Well-Known Member
Fairly easy to grow. I got 100+ pods this summer in a very small area. I used seeds meant for cultivation. Don't remember exactly how much I paid but I know I got quite a bit for under $10. Did persian white, gigantium, and mammoth. Most of the pods were pretty small, but I did get dozen or two monsters.

Like someone mentioned, if you have any opiate tolerance you are going to need a lot. The pods I harvested from about a 2'x4' area was enough for me to make a moderately potent tea (as far as tea is concerned) 3 times. It does last a long time though. Honestly, it was more about the experience. Figured anything I got out of it would be a bonus,



Well-Known Member
those look nice! we had ours scattered through the woods in our backyard so deer got to alot of them. Also we milked them mainly then extracted the rest and evaporated.

sprinkled it in blunts like it was hash. very tasty


This has been bugging me for years, what movie is Sonar's avatar? it's always those 2 guys smoking in a car.
You'll probably think im a moron for not knowing because it looks like a stoner movie...


Well-Known Member
This has been bugging me for years, what movie is Sonar's avatar? it's always those 2 guys smoking in a car.
You'll probably think im a moron for not knowing because it looks like a stoner movie...
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - A great classic and a GREAT movie to watch tripping


Well-Known Member
Yup, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Johnny Depp (before he turned into a pirate) and Benicio Del Toro believe it or not.


Moderatrix of Journals
one of my favourite movies of all time.

the only poppy growing tip i've gained so far is: they don't transplant well. choose their "forever home" before you plant them.


Well-Known Member
one of my favourite movies of all time.

the only poppy growing tip i've gained so far is: they don't transplant well. choose their "forever home" before you plant them.
Yeah I agree. When I was thinning them out I tried transplanting them and I don't think any of them made it. The root system is very small and delicate.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree. When I was thinning them out I tried transplanting them and I don't think any of them made it. The root system is very small and delicate.

pete / coir pellets are good for transplants

by the way in your pic the plants still look crowded they should be around 10"-16" apart , The spaceing also helps greatly with fungal dieases which poppys are prone to