poor guy


found this on craigslist

Medical Marijuana/Home Breakin on Tuesday (Patterson)

Date: 2009-09-24, 9:19AM PDT
Reply to:

just wanted to say that i am a medical marijuana patient with several horrible ailments. i had a small legal garden in my backyard that i have been tending to all summer in hopes of enough medication for the year. well, on labor day weekend, a neighbor that was closeminded enough to call the police on me rather than talk to me like a man and ask what was up with the dope in the yard, compromised the integrity and security of my home, and safety and security of my family. tuesday, because the whole neighborhood was made aware by the polices presence and the craziness that ensued, that i had herb growing in my yard. so tuesday, upon leaving the house for a short trip to the gas station, my fence is kicked in, plants taken, my back door kicked in, a red AIDS project Dell laptop was stolen, a red rings of death'd xbox 360, and about 1/2 lb hanging in a closet drying were taken. fortunately, proper mechanisims were in place and the wall mounted tv they tried to take could not be pulled down. so fortunately, the police left with a thick fucking stack of prints on these bitches. come back motherfuckers. i double fucking dare you. i swear i have more ammo for that ass than stan co pd. bring it bitches. i will fucking make you wish youd died or been swallowed instead of insemenated in your worthless cunt mother.


Active Member
found this on craigslist

Medical Marijuana/Home Breakin on Tuesday (Patterson)

Date: 2009-09-24, 9:19AM PDT
Reply to:

just wanted to say that i am a medical marijuana patient with several horrible ailments. i had a small legal garden in my backyard that i have been tending to all summer in hopes of enough medication for the year. well, on labor day weekend, a neighbor that was closeminded enough to call the police on me rather than talk to me like a man and ask what was up with the dope in the yard, compromised the integrity and security of my home, and safety and security of my family. tuesday, because the whole neighborhood was made aware by the polices presence and the craziness that ensued, that i had herb growing in my yard. so tuesday, upon leaving the house for a short trip to the gas station, my fence is kicked in, plants taken, my back door kicked in, a red AIDS project Dell laptop was stolen, a red rings of death'd xbox 360, and about 1/2 lb hanging in a closet drying were taken. fortunately, proper mechanisims were in place and the wall mounted tv they tried to take could not be pulled down. so fortunately, the police left with a thick fucking stack of prints on these bitches. come back motherfuckers. i double fucking dare you. i swear i have more ammo for that ass than stan co pd. bring it bitches. i will fucking make you wish youd died or been swallowed instead of insemenated in your worthless cunt mother.
Speechless. :-?


Well-Known Member
thats some crazy shit bro. you said a neighbor compromised you. does that mean they were part of it???


Active Member
^ he said it was on clist.

haha but that shit is crazy man.
why did they take all of his other shit?


Active Member
That's horrible. :cry: I had my plants stolen by my ex roommate but I didn't lose a bunch of valuable shit as well.

Oh well. People who steal will get what's coming to them. It's inevitable.