Poll: Solving The Debt Issue:

How would you solve the deficit problem?

  • Do nothing God is in charge.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Tax the Poor more.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Tax the rich more.

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • Lower Taxes for Corporations.

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Raise Taxes for Corporations.

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Spend more on War.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spend less for War.

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • Cap Private Wealth.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Lower Minimum Wage.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Make Uniions illegal.

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Many of us in the USA know we are loosing jobs and cuts to public services are on the rise.

Below are as many choices as I could come up with and lets see how we would solve things.
You can select more than on option so mix and match your solutions.

It's limited to 10 options.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I didn't vote as there are no reasonable options available. Such as:
cutting spending; this means everything, eliminate the Dept. of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Labor and Transportation. wean us off of social security and privatize it. de-fund Obama care. eliminate foreign aid.
End the Federal Reserve and eliminate the IRS along with all the misrepresented, supposedly legal income tax laws.
End the war on drugs. Legalize it and tax it. Disband the DEA and BATF.
Bring the troops home. I don't just mean Iraq and Afghanistan but in Korea, Japan, Germany, all 761 bases in 156 countries.
Lower the corporate tax rates to reasonable levels as to invite American business to "come home".
Sell off federal assets.
Get off the people's backs. Americans are industrious, resourceful and hard working. We can bring our country back if the government would just get out of the way.
... that's all I can come up with off the top of my head, right now


Well-Known Member
I didn't see anything to vote on or where to vote? but I think it is pretty simple balance the budget, stop spending money we don't have. that should be priority number one. now I saw your poll...it's pretty bogus, would vote spend less on war because that one probably would make sence at least the way were conducting wars at this point.


Active Member
I didn't vote as there are no reasonable options available. Such as:
cutting spending; this means everything, eliminate the Dept. of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Labor and Transportation. wean us off of social security and privatize it. de-fund Obama care. eliminate foreign aid.
End the Federal Reserve and eliminate the IRS along with all the misrepresented, supposedly legal income tax laws.
End the war on drugs. Legalize it and tax it. Disband the DEA and BATF.
Bring the troops home. I don't just mean Iraq and Afghanistan but in Korea, Japan, Germany, all 761 bases in 156 countries.
Lower the corporate tax rates to reasonable levels as to invite American business to "come home".
Sell off federal assets.
Get off the people's backs. Americans are industrious, resourceful and hard working. We can bring our country back if the government would just get out of the way.
... that's all I can come up with off the top of my head, right now
Right on. You should read up on the fair tax if you’ve never heard of it. FairTax.org


Well-Known Member
Number one, Social Security is NOT an entitlement, like any other retirement plan, it is funded by the employee and the employer.

Number two, The Department of Education is an investment in tomorrows.... without it, your tax base is going to shrink up and all jobs requiring degrees will be held by B1 foreigners...

other than that, i agree with most of what your saying.

I didn't vote as there are no reasonable options available. Such as:
cutting spending; this means everything, eliminate the Dept. of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Labor and Transportation. wean us off of social security and privatize it. de-fund Obama care. eliminate foreign aid.
End the Federal Reserve and eliminate the IRS along with all the misrepresented, supposedly legal income tax laws.
End the war on drugs. Legalize it and tax it. Disband the DEA and BATF.
Bring the troops home. I don't just mean Iraq and Afghanistan but in Korea, Japan, Germany, all 761 bases in 156 countries.
Lower the corporate tax rates to reasonable levels as to invite American business to "come home".
Sell off federal assets.
Get off the people's backs. Americans are industrious, resourceful and hard working. We can bring our country back if the government would just get out of the way.
... that's all I can come up with off the top of my head, right now


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to tell everyone that on top of the retail price of goods and services, they will be paying an extra 28% in taxes.... That $140 cable TV bill, would then be $179.20. That 30k automobile will then cost you nearly 40k.... Either way, they are going to get the money necessary to run the country and it's military and government. Another problem with fair tax is it creates an incentive to save. While that is good for America in the long run, it won't pull us from our current funk.

Right on. You should read up on the fair tax if you’ve never heard of it. FairTax.org

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
This poll is a good window into the heart of the typical librul. Totally an attempt to trick and deceive with an arrogant "you're so stupid you won't see through this."


Well-Known Member
Then by all means, please enlighten us with your wisdom and share what you think will solve the debt problem......

This poll is a good window into the heart of the typical librul. Totally an attempt to trick and deceive with an arrogant "you're so stupid you won't see through this."

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Tax the rich at the rates we did in the 60's, lower the corporate tax, and put tariffs on outsourced goods making it cost effective to produce goods in America again.

That would provide enough new revenue to where we could start paying down the debt without needing to cut services and we'd probably have enough left over to invest in badly needed new infrastructure.


Active Member
Don't forget to tell everyone that on top of the retail price of goods and services, they will be paying an extra 28% in taxes.... That $140 cable TV bill, would then be $179.20. That 30k automobile will then cost you nearly 40k.... Either way, they are going to get the money necessary to run the country and it's military and government. Another problem with fair tax is it creates an incentive to save. While that is good for America in the long run, it won't pull us from our current funk.
Businesses don’t pay taxes they past that cost on to the customer. The fact is federal and state income taxes already embedded in the cost of products. So products will actually be about the same price as they are now if not a little cheaper once the current tax system is abandoned. Also all those taxes you pay in every year you get to keep. No more need for the government to track every dollar every citizen makes.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Businesses don’t pay taxes they past that cost on to the customer. The fact is federal and state income taxes already embedded in the cost of products. So products will actually be about the same price as they are now if not a little cheaper once the current tax system is abandoned. Also all those taxes you pay in every year you get to keep. No more need for the government to track every dollar every citizen makes.
I'm an advocate for the FAIR tax as well, along with abolishing the current tax code in its entirety. In addition to the savings you alluded to BM, the private sector would also be saving the TENS OF BILLIONS in the current costs of complying with the current tax code.

For those not aware of the FAIR TAX, here's a link: http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Fairtax.org, yeah, I would take that over what we have now but honestly, there is no reason the federal government cannot operate within it's Constitutional limits on the same duties, excise and import taxes that is relied upon for more than a century.

Number One, I can't find the word "entitlement" in my original post but it IS an entitlement, in that I am entitled to that money, since I and my employer was forced to pay into it for the promise of a future pay out (if you live that long). By the way, if you are self employed as I was for many years, you pay it all and in my case, the "self employment tax" is higher than the actual income tax... I've had other retirement plans and my employer did not contribute a penny to them.

Number Two: Why is it that when the department of education started, the US was a leader in quality education. Now? Do you honestly think that we have a better education system? Look at the recent studies that have shown how bad we are doing. I think the last one I saw, it was 14th in reading skills, 17th in science and 25th in math. I see college kids that don't even know what kind of government we have, cannot speak or write in proper english and cannot find Canada on a map. You are right about one thing, though, the D of ED is an investment in tomorrow, a failed investment.

A crack-pipe dream? Perhaps, but isn't it one that is worthwhile pursuing? I'm sorry you feel that way but thank you for your comment, anyway.

National sales tax? Not necessary when the gov is forced to live within it's means, just like the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
This poll is a good window into the heart of the typical librul. Totally an attempt to trick and deceive with an arrogant "you're so stupid you won't see through this."
Make your own poll and be happy. Make it reflect the God you worship so we all can see your window of mind.



Active Member
google communisim before you say hell no ,---its more or less like star trek or smurfs or care bears

A variety of different forms of communism have developed, each based upon the ideas of different political theorists, usually as additions or interpretations of various forms of Marxism, the collective philosophies of Karl Marx.[5] Marxism-Leninism is the synthesis of Vladimir Lenin's contributions to Marxism, such as how a revolutionary party should be organised; Trotskyism is Leon Trotsky's conception of Marxism and Maoism is Mao Tse Tung's interpretation of Marxism to suit the conditions of China at that time.
Communist theory generally states that the only way to solve the problems existing within capitalism is for the working class, referred to as the proletariat, who is the main producer of wealth in society and is exploited by the capitalist class, as explained in theories such as surplus value, to replace the bourgeoisie as the ruling class to establish a society without class divisions, called socialism, as a prelude to attempting to achieve the final stage of communism.[1]
Pure communism, or the stage in history after socialism, refers to a classless, stateless society, one where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made in the best interests of the collective society with the interests of every member of society given equal weight in the practical decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life. Karl Marx, as well as some other communist philosophers, purposely never provided a detailed description as to how communism would function as a social system. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx lays out a 10-point plan advising the redistribution of land and production to begin the transition to communism.
The origins of communism are debatable, and there are various historical groups, as well as theorists, whose beliefs have been subsequently described as communist. Some theorists have considered hunter-gatherer societies to adhere to a form of primitive communism, whilst historical figures like Plato and Thomas More have been described as espousing early forms of the ideology. The communist movement as it is known today largely took shape in the nineteenth century, when it was developed.[5] In the twentieth century, revolutions led to openly communist governments taking power in many countries, leading to the creation of states like the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Cuba.
In modern usage, communism is often used to refer to the policies of these governments, which were one party systems operating under centrally planned economies and a state ownership of the means of production. Most of these governments based their ideology on Marxism-Leninism. These governments did not call the system they had set up "communism", instead claiming that they had set up a transitional socialist system. This system is sometimes referred to as state socialism. Many, including those on the left, argue that these states never made an attempt to transition to a communist society, while others even argue that they never achieved socialism.
In the 20th and 21st centuries, democratic elections led to communist and communist-inspired governments being elected in other parts of the world such as Bolivia and Venezuela. Today, although communism is a less influential political force compared to what it was in much of the twentieth century,[6] there are still powerful communist and aligned socialist movements in many parts of the world, especially southern Asia and South America, and since the economic crisis of 2008 there has been a resurgence of interest in communist theory, especially the theories of Karl Marx.

wiki just cause it was the easyest and most generalized look up marxism

yea communisim is not what you were brought up to belive


Well-Known Member
So you are relying on businesses to drop their retail pricing 28% and pass that on to the consumer and once you add the 28% back in taxes, the price is the same as it is today? there is a problem with the core of that logic and that is businesses are owned by shareholders that expect a return on their investments. Do you honestly believe that the $4 gallon of milk will drop to nearly $3 after the IRS is abolished? No, the new tax savings will go on the balance sheet as a win for investors, not consumers.... And therein lies part of the problem with the fair tax.... It's a rich man's dream and everyone is being told to get on board.... Be careful what you wish for...

Businesses don’t pay taxes they past that cost on to the customer. The fact is federal and state income taxes already embedded in the cost of products. So products will actually be about the same price as they are now if not a little cheaper once the current tax system is abandoned. Also all those taxes you pay in every year you get to keep. No more need for the government to track every dollar every citizen makes.