Poem I wrote in high school


Active Member

The crimson Orb doth shine on its upward path
Manifold dying shear Tongues chase an arclite-shaft
A Blazon’d in the Northern sky for aught to see
Aye, but tis Naught nor but silt next to thee

Autumn’s Aurora ‘shrines its last wretchèd loom
The singèd eyes of the Beholden do consume
Bloodred corpses have painted what ere were green
But match’d with thine Eyes, immortal beauty be but fiend

The steeliee rapiers of nature’s torpor foal
Shrieking ghoul winds part the morbod whole
Staggered Ancients guard the secreted swoon
Silent lids watching below my Funeral Moon.


I know it sounds like it makes no sense but basically it's about seasonal change/love poem with a medieval bent.

John Donne is my favorite poet and I like the "old english" type sounds when it comes to this so that's why I write like that. Plus I'm more interested on just having a lot of cool sounding words that sound good together and that bring interesting imagery to mind than actually making sense.

Here's one by John Donne to show what I'm talking about the "old english" (though this is pretty easy to decipher):

by John Donne

COME live with me, and be my love,
And we will some new pleasures prove
Of golden sands, and crystal brooks,
With silken lines and silver hooks.

There will the river whisp'ring run
Warm'd by thy eyes, more than the sun ;
And there th' enamour'd fish will stay,
Begging themselves they may betray.

When thou wilt swim in that live bath,
Each fish, which every channel hath,
Will amorously to thee swim,
Gladder to catch thee, than thou him.

If thou, to be so seen, be'st loth,
By sun or moon, thou dark'nest both,
And if myself have leave to see,
I need not their light, having thee.

Let others freeze with angling reeds,
And cut their legs with shells and weeds,
Or treacherously poor fish beset,
With strangling snare, or windowy net.

Let coarse bold hands from slimy nest
The bedded fish in banks out-wrest ;
Or curious traitors, sleeve-silk flies,
Bewitch poor fishes' wand'ring eyes.

For thee, thou need'st no such deceit,
For thou thyself art thine own bait :
That fish, that is not catch'd thereby,
Alas ! is wiser far than I.


Well-Known Member
I have to say I had to read that twice lol read it too fast the first time but the second time your message seemed clear to me it is good though I have to say it will only stike a certain audience imo as not many people anymore are familiar with old english I write poetry myself yet mine differs it is my raw emotion and has a dr suss feel mine come out in rhymes here is one I wrote when I was 15.
As I relapse
I collapse
Into the abyss
Into the darkness
Day after day slipping away
Lost in my mind
Becoming blind
To all that see
To all that know me
This place I will miss
Longing for one more kiss
Fading away but wanting to stay
As I dream I awake with a silent scream
I see your face
It is the hardest thing to leave in this place
My actions will come at a cost
Which is your love I've lost
I hope you have a good life
I know I will because you kept me away from a knife.

Pretty clear to see my message about my first love and leaving due to being lost in my addictions and pain
Would like to hear some more poems if you have more!


Active Member
Ok here's another I just wrote.... it's a lot less hard to understand.

Doesn't have a title... haven't come up with one yet. My doctor/therapist (he's not a shrink, but we sort of have "shrink like" sessions because all the shrinks I saw before pissed me off but I like this guy) asked me what one thing I was good at it. I said English (perfect score on verbal part of SAT wohoo :P). He wanted me to write a poem for him.

Anyways... thought I'd share. It's basically about an experience I had in the woods while on 16mg of 2c-e. I don't like to talk about my poems' meanings usually... so take from it what you will. You can interpret God as being that ethereal "universal force" that you feel when tripping, or as some psychological disorder I have (if you're an atheist ;)). But when I wrote this, I was and am referring to Jesus Christ.

So... ya here it is:

When I looked upon the Fractals in the Sky
I wondered how You could Love one such as I
For these fractals, though beautiful, beyond human comprehension
Next to your pure Glory, I knew, they be not worth one small mention

And so I sat, and thought, and begged for mercy
Liberation from my prison, deliverance into ecstasy
Whether by death or healing, I cared naught
For my mind was filled only with darkness of thought

Tears began to stream down my face... I felt no darkness, but I knew it was a temporary place
I asked you to free me, to let me stay there... yet you did not answer, and were silent
How can I know your love, oh my LORD and God, if you turn a blind eye to my terrors?
How can I know your mercy, if you are deaf to my cries.

Give me the soul of David I pray, each and every day.

Will you answer? Or will I end in decay.


Active Member
Ok here's another I just wrote.... it's a lot less hard to understand.

Doesn't have a title... haven't come up with one yet. My doctor/therapist (he's not a shrink, but we sort of have "shrink like" sessions because all the shrinks I saw before pissed me off but I like this guy) asked me what one thing I was good at it. I said English (perfect score on verbal part of SAT wohoo :P). He wanted me to write a poem for him.

Anyways... thought I'd share. It's basically about an experience I had in the woods while on 16mg of 2c-e. I don't like to talk about my poems' meanings usually... so take from it what you will. You can interpret God as being that ethereal "universal force" that you feel when tripping, or as some psychological disorder I have (if you're an atheist ;)). But when I wrote this, I was and am referring to Jesus Christ.

So... ya here it is:

When I looked upon the Fractals in the Sky
I wondered how You could Love one such as I
For these fractals, though beautiful, beyond human comprehension
Next to your pure Glory, I knew, they be not worth one small mention

And so I sat, and thought, and begged for mercy
Liberation from my prison, deliverance into ecstasy
Whether by death or healing, I cared naught
For my mind was filled only with darkness of thought

Tears began to stream down my face... I felt no darkness, but I knew it was a temporary place
I asked you to free me, to let me stay there... yet you did not answer, and were silent
How can I know your love, oh my LORD and God, if you turn a blind eye to my terrors?
How can I know your mercy, if you are deaf to my cries.

Give me the soul of David I pray, each and every day.

Will you answer? Or will I end in decay.
i like this poam...i think we have all felt that way...