Pneumonia from ice bong?!


Well-Known Member
Alright. Me and about half a dozen other buddies of mine got together a while back to par-take in the buddha. We smoked atleast a half oz. in a few hours out of a bong filled with ice. A little while ago a couple of dudes that i smoked with told me that they had gotten pneumonia from the ice bong! I personally believe its B.S., but has anyone else heard of such?


Well-Known Member
Totally bs. If someone had a cold using the ice bong they could pass on that cold but ice bongs dont cause pnemonia:joint:


Well-Known Member
If one of the gents whom partaken in festivities last night was recovering or possibly had the illness coming, the ice bong smoking could have amplified his common cold into something more serious? I'm definitely no doctor but that seems logical to me haha. Just don't blame the bong or the vitamins for getting ya sick. When I'm sick I like to take a few nyquils and take a rip....knocks me right out!


Well-Known Member
Yea i was pretty sure it was bull. this was back during the winter so they probably had a cold or something and just blew it out of proportion.