PM doing a sulfur burn and have questions


Well-Known Member
Ok so my tents are 3x3 and 4x4, how long do you do the burn for? I seen in a 10x10 tent you should do it for 4 hours, but my tents are smaller as I said.... Also if you could post a link for me to get a sulfur burner would be great. Keep in mind my tents are small, however my basement is 700 sq feet and I want to do that too.
I did it in my 4x8. I want to say I did an hour or 2, it was a while ago. It was to much. The plants suffered, I might of lost 1 or 2 in the process but NEVER had PM again in that tent. I use a humidifier running 24 hours a day before and after I used the sulfur burner, I used every type of treatment available on the market before the sulfur burner….nothing worked. 1 run with the sulfur burner and I’ve never gotten it back again. The sulfur burner hangs there as a reminder to pm what will happen if they come Moral of the story less is more. Maybe run it 30 minutes once every couple of days and make sure your plants aren’t to bothered by it for your smaller tents, I would bet that solves your issue using it twice. An hour or 2 every couple of days should do your basement. I got mine on EBAY. They are hard to find but work great. Let the tents air out completely before you go back in there and breath it in, it can hurt your lungs. I set my timers to run the burner then kick on the exhaust fan at the end for an hour or so. GL