Plug In Light Sockets?


Active Member
I'm about to start a grow with CFLs, and while I wait for my seeds, need to stock up the bulbs (6 daylight, 6 warm white, 26w each) as well as the sockets to plug them in.

I've heard the sockets reffered to as 'plug in sockets' but when I search that on google it doesn't come up with much. Does anybody have a more ocmmon name for them? And where can I get them, like the y splitters, as well as just single ones and such, and how much can I expect to spend on them? (I only need enough for 6 lights?:peace:


Active Member
you can get a string of construction lights they are usually 10 ft long with 10 light sockets setup for 100w standard light bulbs any lumber yard should have them or lowes ,and homedepot


Active Member
I got a Y splitter that connects 2 light bulbs into one light socket. You can get it at lowes.
Thanks thats what I'm looking for :-D

Now you said it screws into a single light socket? Would lowes also have the single socket? Like one thats just the socket, that you can plug in? The idea is I want to be able to hang it from the ceiling of the grow space


Active Member
Nevermind chitown010 nswered my question. Thanks guys, I'll let you know how my grow goes as soon as it gets started :weed:


Well-Known Member
You are looking for something to screw your light bulb into so that you can simly plug it into an outlit.. like a power strip? If so then you probably can get it at lowes to. I do not have one and havent seen them in a store but I assume you can get them at any hardware store.. lowes.. maybe

EDIT: here is something different that might be of some interest to you. Its a extension cord with an light socket on the end of it. Used to hang light bulbs vertically


Well-Known Member
hey whats up u could go to walmart for both plug in sockets and spliters
i only pai like a 1.24 for the plug in ones and around the some for the spliters
or u could go to rockeys hardware store too or home depo or lowes
they all should have them or one or the other