Please tell me what's wrong with my plant! Brown spots and Yellowing leafs (w/ pics)


Bump. I'm contemplating giving them nutrients. I've only been giving them 1/2 strength nutes once a week according to fox farms schedule and I'm supposed to feed today. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
I woludn't give them any more nutes until you do some testing first.

first thing is you need to test the PH.. But I hear fox farm is prett strong and you need to start at 1/4 strength.. just what I heard.

whenever my stuff gets all whacked.. I wait and see if it gets worse .. if it does I ALWAYS flush the soil.. and restart. it seems to work.


Quarter strength and a few weeks into flower, bump those nutes to half strength and make sure to put micronutrients in it, Cal-Mag. Are you using any micros? Whats the current ppm or ec?

It could be as simple as f'd up pH. Let em go a day or two with the adjusted pH to see how they react before upping the nutes.

Good Luck!!!