please some1 look at my plant. it looks sick! PICS!


im using a bubbleponics set up in a cabinet. i was using 4 cfl bulbs 90+ watts combined of cfl but removed all but one 23 watt cfl because i thought i was burnng the plant. but i still see yellowing a browning.

i wasnt checking my ph so im guessing its that. so i changed from using tap water to using rain water. i was using bat/seabird poop. would use 1 oz per gallon ratio but stop using the nutes once i noticed the yellowing and browning did go away.

while this is going on above the growing medium under it is another story. while i was using tap water i had no root growth but after one week of rain water the roots growth went into over drive!!! its almost like theres 2 diffrent plants. the sick looking one above the medium and the super heathy one under the growing medium.

any help would be great thanks guys and girls!!!kiss-ass



Well-Known Member
Im guessing these are clones by the leaf trim, I think you are having a magnesium problem, I saw this a couple days ago from another poster using hydro. This is pretty common with hydro setups, but im not sure the exact ratio of epsom salts in hydro. I could be all wrong because I never have used hydro, but its what I think is happening.


ok i removed the old water, now theres only rain water in there no nutes. i also removed the bottom yellow/brown leaf. yes it is a clone btw. any other advice?


Well-Known Member
ok i removed the old water, now theres only rain water in there no nutes. i also removed the bottom yellow/brown leaf. yes it is a clone btw. any other advice?
You could use about 3-4 more CFL bulbs...and Im pretty sure that with CFLs the majority of the light goes out of the sides rather than the end. I would get a few more bulbs and put something to reflect more light towards your plant. Mylar (shiny metallic gift wrapper works) or the aluminum utility lamp shades work good too. Also get the lights 2 inches from the plant top. CFLs dont emit that much heat so they can go closer

EDIT: I see where you said you were using 4 bulbs so that is fine I would think....I would keep using the 4 bulbs


should i wait till the plant gets better b4 i add the other lights?

is it ok to have two 6500k and two 2500k bulbs at the same time?

thanks 4 all ur help!!