please read and comment. help is relly needed!!!!!!!!!

please read and comment. help is really needed!!!!!!I'm in the last week or two weeks
Lighting & Housing: 250watt cfl with homemade reflecting sheeting enclosed around the bulb, It's a 4x4x8 grow room purchased from the internet.

Potting & Nutrients: I've used around 80% standard compost and around 5% - 10% perlite and around 10% absorption pellets.
I'm in the last week or two weeks of flowering not 100% sure. I'm looking for, to the point vital information as its my first grow and from reading up on more experienced growers I'm starting to think that the plant should be getting flushed now and ready to be harvested. The picture quality isn't that great but face to face to the plant a good 65 to 80 % of the hairs have changed amber colour. I dont want to be jumping the gun now or anything but from my perspective, its time to be flushing and harvesting within the next week. I'm stuck in a hole now, with what to do and what not to do so am asking all experienced growers passing over my post please leave all comments you think might help me in my last few days, weeks??? And any readers please leave insights or help from your own experience. I know for certain I've been missing some key ingredients in my grow op as the buds did not develop fully lower towards the base of the plant and looking at the higher up bud sites, they should be nearly twice the size from most peoples comments and from my own readings on books and sites. So i know something vital was missing, but right now i really need some advice or guidance towards my next few steps
as i don't know if its ready for flushing and harvesting or if it should be left for another week or so before anything is done. please leave all comments and advice as it is really needed.


Active Member
well I can tell you you can harvest as soon as the trichs go milky, the more brown the bigger amounts of CBD which causes couch lock. So its up to you really, do yourself a favour spend £10 on a microscope and have a look at them, 100X zoom is good. Careful you dont over-shoot if its all amber, well I dunno, I never let them get all amber but dont think itll be good. but imho stop with the nutes and flush, your throat will thankyou.

Good luck and they look nice to me!

Robert Paulson

Active Member
When you harvest is all personal preference on what type of smoke you like. So is this White Widow? it should be about done and ready for a flush then.

Honestly bro your plants look great. The only thing they are lacking is a lot more light. To me it looks like you did quite well with what you had. Maybe they could have used more flowering nutes or maybe not, hard to tell not knowing all the facts. You just can't expect monster buds with only 250 watts of cfl's.