Please need help, my baby is stressed!!

Okay firstly i know there's plenty of threads with similar problems, my plant is 9 days old and is growing very well, at first i thought it was normal as it is my first grow but the leaves are canoeing quite badly on two leaves and minimal on the rest, i know this could be from low humidity stress and heat but my temps rarely ever go above 90 and most keep around 80F, i have nothing to test humidity so im not sure what is is, i have a fan blowing on the leaves, im only using 2 23w cfls and only have one plant so basically all my eggs are in one basket and i need help urgent, i,ve posted pics so hoping someone with good knowledge could help me out, sorry about the spelling!!



Well-Known Member

90 is not a good temp. This looks to be "canoeing", temp too hot! Hitting your top leaves as they are closest to the light, and probably just hot enough to canoe. I managed to do this in my 1st grow, was the last of my mistakes for that poor plant. You can recover, but you're gonna need some venting.



Active Member
yeah I'm wanting to say a combination of water and heat. Water at night right before you turn the lights off. Watering during the day will just kind of help the plant broil under the heat/moisture.
thanks for your replies, the thing is i am venting maybe a bit too much, it comes on every hour for ten minutes, i've raised the light a good bit till i see some healing, plus i have a fan blowing over the tops of the leaves, im goin to buy a humidifier at the weekend cos i think my humidity is too low, if the leaves dont recover what will i do?


Well-Known Member
your cooked leaves aren't going to recover, but that's ok
just make sure that the new growth is good

your cooked leaves aren't going to recover, but that's ok
just make sure that the new growth is good

okay i know the new leaves forming are looking good, the leaves that are damaged will ultimately be the bottom leaves an wont produce that good of buds, will the plant devote any of its resources trying to heal the damaged or ignore them and focus on the new leaves,the do look a bit better today tho, the curling has is not as bad, ill post some new pics so ya can let me know, would the be suffering form any sort of defeciancy?


Well-Known Member
if you're seeing a little improvement that's great, they my come back some, won't be perfect though
don't worry about the cooked set much, if that's your only trouble, you got away pretty easy, shouldn't be too much impact in the end
deficiency is hard to tell now, the heat may give deficiency like appearance
watch close, and i'll say a quick plant prayer



Well-Known Member
itll grow out of it...u know to have higher RH now ...thus the humidifier..i cant see ur setup..but if ur hittn 90s with cfl..ur boxing them in and suffocating hasnt shown yet..but it will ..u must exhaust stale heat..wut ur intake and exhaust look like.? cfl shouldnt be that hott. the plants dont look 2 bad ..there babies and have plenty of more fan leaves to a month itll look like a whole nother plant...if u get ur venting done so it stays more like 75 shoot for that number..