please helpppp...question?


Active Member
i have a Outdoor,soil,bagseed female..harvested it a a couple weeks pretty sure i made the mistake of a early harvest by a couple weeks atleast from what the new england weather has been looking like..sooo its been cut manicured and been drying upside down on indivisual branches and the little nugs are on a screen air dried...this will be the 7th day they have been drying...they appear to be more fluffy than dense,and still really really sticky,the stalks bend but not "snap" ...should i be good to put them all in mason jars air tight,or wait another 3 or 4 days to dry to a crisp.and for some reason i have been smoking what has been dry for 6 days now like the little nugs.and they dont get me real real high,more of a light clear headed high.....what should i do...i have about 2-3 ozs.


Well-Known Member
yeah you harvested too early.

there is a trade off for most between potency and the clarity of the high.

so right now you have the clearest of the highs, but not enough potency really, it's a balance. if you waited 2-3 more weeks you would have had a good head high with good amount of potency, add two more weeks to that you'd have even more potency but at the cost of a clear head high.

i wouldn't bother with curing it, it'll make it taste better but you have weak pot i'm afraid, although i bet if you smoke a few bong hits of it you'll have a quality high.


Well-Known Member
move the nugs into jars to cure for a week or so. it will make them taste better. make sure you air the jar out 3 times a day and leave the jar in a dark place. have any pics of the bud?


Active Member
Read This-


I would put them in paper bags if they are still damp. Read everything you can, THEN read it again.