please help


only a week into flowering using bio bizz all mix soil and just bio bizz bloom noticed brownish spots on leaves,please help this is my first grow do you think it could be owt to do with nutes ?????? Not noticed bugs or mould



Well-Known Member
is it just the one leaf or the whole plant post pic of the full plant it could also be the allmix cos it has nutes in for the first two weeks is it autoflower or photo you didnt say


its just a few leaves its not auto flower thankyou so much for your reply they've not had any nutes in veg just one feed of bio bloom when turned last week


Well-Known Member
defo you spilled over leaf something it be fine crack on I suggest biobizz bio heave all way flowering with grow and bloom too last few weeks cut out grow this stops nitrogen def and the bio heaven makes buds swell and It help with stress on plant aswell


thankyou for your reply so wot your saying is I need to buy some grow and bio heaven,what about top max. Soz for been thick just don't wanna mess it up now


Well-Known Member
yes get bio grow bio bloom topmax and bio heaven you wont be disappointed use bio heaven from start of flower to end im 6 weeks in and use 2ml of grow 3ml bloom and 5ml topmax and 5ml heaven
i feed twice a week sunday and wed all outher days plain ph water and let it dry out in beteween watering
set your ph to 6.5t
in the last two weekof flower cut out the grow and increase the topmax then flush for 7 days some say dont flush some do i personally do hope this helps
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