Please help!!!!!!


I have a hydroponic growing box that stands at about 2 and half feet and i have a plant in that has grown directly up into the light and it's burning the tips of sum of my leaves the plant is well into it's vegetative stage and i hope it's not to late to prune it sum. Im a 1st time grower and i don't kno about the pruning process so could i pls get sum specific instructions on how to trim especially off the top. Transferring the plants into a bigger isn't an option unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
prune away during veg.... I have a momma plant with about 50 tops cuz I have to keep topping her. It's a shame really she is too big to ever flower. She would be 9 ft tall after the stretch.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member you gonna flower her is a more important question? If its already out of room in vedge, how you gonna account for bloom growth? Yoir gonna jave to chop a lot off i think. But it should ma ke for one hell of a clone!
cut it where ever your heart desires. if its healthy you can remove all the leaves and it will make new ones. not that you should. im just saying. you probably want to go half way with it. pull up the plant from where ever its at, and do some root pruning too. that you want to be a little more careful with. helps keep things in balance though. a picture of the roots will better guide advice as to how much to trim off.


Active Member
Dude, plants can triple in height once flowering starts. You are pretty fucked and running out of room. Get it out of the box if you plan on keeping it. In the box it is going to die.


Is the light burning the tips? or are you overfeeding it? Light usually just doesn't burn the tips, it causes the entire leaf to curl.

If you cannot transfer it into a bigger pot, can you raise the light? what type of light are you using?

If the entire box is only 2.5 feet tall, then you pretty much have a cloning box.

I would suggest investing into some homemade bubblers... and raise your light.