Please help with Neem treatment


Well-Known Member
Three weeks into flower and I see small stands of webbing. After a good foilar feed with 2.5ml dyna grow neem mixed with 2ml wet betty to a quart of water, I now see more webbing clearly. Should I do this every three days for 3 more weeks? At least thats what I see online.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
You have some work ahead of you that isn't always easy work... Stopping them during flowering can be a real challenge since you are restricted to some of the methods used during vegetation... Neem oil will work, but a second or third line of attack will better your odds at getting rid of the mites.

They lay eggs that keep it going forever unless completely wiped out. Lady bugs go on the attack, but don't do the whole job as the don't eat the eggs Idt... If you go the lady bug route as a second line of attack - release the lady bugs in the dark or they will leave the plants to avoid the light.


Well-Known Member
its your choice to have spider mites or lady bugs stuck to your oily heads for that carnivoristic flavor

Neem oil is good.. but you gotta get the real McCoy, the natural proper Azedectin Neem Oil like a wax from India,
you leave it in the sun so goes wet..then add 1xtsp to a hand pump sprayer, and yeah like you 2-3 times a day when bad, neem oil offers great defense, but is a poor attacker
look to your vacuum cleaner for guidance ....true.. and like neem oil is an organic method