Please help! When to proceed?


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I am planning to leave for 2-3 days tomorrow. I have been germinating few seeds for 60 hours so far and I think they look nice now.
I am just not sure if I should move them to the aero system already and start the lamps?
If I don't do that today/tomorrow they will have to wait another 2-3 days. should I keep them in the dark? Should I put them near a window so they are exposed to a sunlight during the day? Or should I move them to the aerosystem???

I have moved 2 earlier plants to the aerosystem today and switched the lamps on - I hope this helps, as they don't look very healthy ;-(
My Aerofarm is working `15 min on / 45 min off. I have added an airstone to the res.
It is running on a 3 days old tap water with pH around 6

I would greatly appreciate any help!

