Please help this is my first growth

Hello, I am brand new to this website, have been reading for a few weeks now and am trying to gather as much information as possible from what i read.
Anyway here is the scoop on my first growth. I started roughly 7 weeks ago. I am using one 150watt HPS light. I am using miracle grow moisture control potting mix. I have the lights on a 19/5 schedule. The plant gets watered once a week with two water bottles, is this not enough? over the last week I have given the plant another bottle in the middle of the week and will continue to do so now. I have also taken the branches and bent them downwards and kept them tied for 3 days until they stayed bent. That was about a week and a half ago. There are many white hairs coming out all over the plant so i know it is a female. The plant just doesnt seem that big compared to other pictures of plants its age that i have seen on this site. There are also some minor yellow holes on a fan leaf or two and the first four fan leaves are now gone, two that died themselves and two that i just removed today because they were unhealthy. I planned on flowering this plant on monday unless people have information for me on how to really maximize this plant and what to do with it.
I am just looking for any input from people about my first ever attempt at this and what i need to be doing from here on out. here are some pictures of my plant.....

Thank you very much



Well-Known Member
Its looking good.
There probably ready to flower now so switch to a 12/12 schedule.
Try and plant them in a bigger pot and get some better soil.
Are you using nutes?If not thats probably why there so small or you stressed them from bending them but I doubt that.
If your not using nutes definitely get some and what are you using for ventilation?
Try and get some 2700k cfls to.

And most importantly read as much as you can on here.


Well-Known Member
Well I think your lights and watering are what has it a bit small for 7 weeks?

they look overwatered, which is not uncommon with MG moisture control

I also see what looks like a def in one of your pics but can't tell from the pic what it might be?
ya im reading as much as possible all the time just trying to learn. i have not added any nutes yet thought the soil had enough for now. any recommendations on what to go and buy and how often to use em? How big of a pot should i be using? i figured this one was big enough. I have a fan hanging on the wall that is on for 19hrs when the light is on and off when the light is off. How much do you think this plant could potentially yield? Thank you for all your help
its overwatered? even though it only gets watered once a week? so your saying the light is not nearly strong enough thats why its small. and what do you see in one of the pics? what is def?


Well-Known Member
its overwatered? even though it only gets watered once a week? so your saying the light is not nearly strong enough thats why its small. and what do you see in one of the pics? what is def?
well it is unless you took the pic right after you watered?

the signs are the leaves curling downwards and kinda droopy, a sign the plant is trying to slow transpiration

as I said it is common with moisture control soils, they are designed to hold moisture :bigjoint:

and like I said I can't tell from the pic what the def is but I think it was pic 3 shows a two tone color at the leaf edge which could be the light? but could be a def


Well-Known Member
sorry I forgot to mention the water.
Only water when your soil is dry an inch or 2 down.
Use enough so that its not like a swamp but its not underwatered either.
When my plants were 7 weeks I was using about half a water bottle every 3-4 days.
ya im reading as much as possible all the time just trying to learn. i have not added any nutes yet thought the soil had enough for now. any recommendations on what to go and buy and how often to use em? How big of a pot should i be using? i figured this one was big enough. I have a fan hanging on the wall that is on for 19hrs when the light is on and off when the light is off. How much do you think this plant could potentially yield? Thank you for all your help
no riddleme i have not water this plant since monday morning. and i meant what is a def? i dont understand what u mean by a def.
also why did the fan leaves on the bottom die off then, is it because they werent getting enough light? i thought it was because it needed more water
ya im reading as much as possible all the time just trying to learn. i have not added any nutes yet thought the soil had enough for now. any recommendations on what to go and buy and how often to use em? How big of a pot should i be using? i figured this one was big enough. I have a fan hanging on the wall that is on for 19hrs when the light is on and off when the light is off. How much do you think this plant could potentially yield? Thank you for all your help


Well-Known Member
ya im reading as much as possible all the time just trying to learn. i have not added any nutes yet thought the soil had enough for now. any recommendations on what to go and buy and how often to use em? How big of a pot should i be using? i figured this one was big enough. I have a fan hanging on the wall that is on for 19hrs when the light is on and off when the light is off. How much do you think this plant could potentially yield? Thank you for all your help
Best advice I can give you is to read my NooB Advice thread (link in sig)

everything you need to know is there, I ran a class there several weeks ago, gotta read the whole thing and it branches out but like I said it's full of info :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
honestly, for 150 watts at 7 weeks, that plant looks badass. I think you were asking what 'def' means. It's short for deficiency. Using miracle grow (non-organic) soil, it's doubtful you have a deficiency, however. MG soils are known for burning plants, not leaving them in need of something.

Now.. how much could she yield.. I had a 111W CFL PC case plant that had veg'd for about that long before I switched lights and got more than 1/2 oz. Now.. I've done 600W HPS grows w/ 2 weeks veg. and got 1 oz. per plant, so the PC case plant was pretty good. You should see closing in on 1 oz., is my guess.

Also.. beware.. your height can triple in flower. Get that hps as close as possible to the plant without heat stressing it to keep that stretching down. Take a wire hanger and use it to hang a thermometer off your light to a height that gets you about 83 degrees reading, then make sure the thermometer is in line with the tops of your plants. That plant is gorgeous, my friend. The only mistake you made (aside from garbage soil, but we make do, eh?) is not planting 1-2 more at the same time. :)

Switch the lights to 12/12 and you're 8-16 weeks from AWESOME harvest! Get yourself a pocket microscope and make sure that after week 8 you're looking at your trichomes with it. They will go from clear to cloudy to amber. Clear is clear headed. Cloudy is a balanced high. Amber is REALLY COUCHLOCK. I like a touch amber, but mostly cloudy.




Well-Known Member
depends on the temps at your tip. You need a thermometer there. I had my 600 W over girls in a basement that was not a lot warmer than 54 degrees. My 600 W was about 8" over.. providing all the heat, but THAT IS NOT NORMAL. I rigged my thermometer as I described to tell me exactly how much room I had to work with. Too close and your plants will burn like mad. Too far, and they will stretch. That said, get a thermometer and find some way to rig it off your light. You want that light as close as possible.. but not so close you damage the ladies.

hello everyone, so its been a few weeks since i made this post. I am now currently two weeks into flowering at 12/12. I just bought fertilizer today, miracle grow tomato food 18-18-21, and added it for the first time, im sure i waited too long but hopefully i can fix the problem. I also bought a ph/fertility reader. My ph is at 7 and my fertility is very low even after i added about half a tablespoon of the food. The plant is roughly 22inches in height. my light was just moved to its last possible position today and when i changed it i accidentally turn the light off before moving the plant so the plant got about a 2 second flash of dark before i moved it, hopefully i didnt ruin it. The plant is getting too close to the light and i have nomore room to raise the light. I noticed some holes underneath the fan leaves towards the top of the plant and when i just looked at the very top of the plant i see that the tips of a lot of the top leaves are burnt and there is a brown burnt looking spot on one leave towards the very top of the plant. The fan leaves toward the bottom have been turning yellow one at a time and dying i have probably lost the first 3 or 4 sets of fan leaves now with one dead still attached the the plant and two more that are very yellow and dying. i have been watering the plant much more often and i plan to give it more food next watering again only because it says its very low. Any new feedback would be so greatly appreciated, here are pictures to help show what i tried to describe in this paragraph

