please help? something going on.


Active Member
20130921_085414.jpg my lower leaves look like this... im not sure if its nutz splashing up when i water and spotting up the leaves or i got a problem.

20130921_085401.jpgburnt tips on my leaves. a few of the leaves has it? any idea.
20130921_085353.jpg Nuts burn? its only on a few leaves. at first it thought it was from my CFL touching the leaves. but i moved them and its still happening. ? please help me

i am 4 week 3 days into flower.


Well-Known Member
yh you defo got abit of nute burn mate back em off a touch or 2... the 1st pic looks like it could be bugs or maybe a lil cal-mag def


Active Member
Yeah hit that bitch with the Cal/Mag and just go distilled or RO water for a few weeks.
No Perma Damage done.


Well-Known Member
nute burn. and the pic of the leaf with a bunch of spots. do you have spyder mites ? look at the bottom of the leafs for small bugs, they hardly move, might even see some webs


Active Member
hers a bit better pic of the lower leaf.
20130921_143348.jpg20130921_143356.jpg i dont see any bugs or webs. so i think im good on the mites.
The new hydro shop was pretty awesome. the dude gave me the cal-mal for free, but i gotta wait a few days to give her some cal mag. i just did a large (8cups) distilled water watering.

also im working towards 5 week flower point and there is slim to non crystallization going on at the bud sights.. guess this one is going to be a lil longer flower then expected.