please help. SOIL PH problem. First time grow

so i made the mistake of buying soil at a local flower shop instead of the hydro store in town. i bought a soil ph, moisture, and lumens tester today and the soil is sitting between 7 and 8 probably a little close to 8. is this a problem, and how do i fix it and lower the soil.

I bought ph down, but i use that to lower the ph of my water, and i assume its not made for the soil. any info would really help as this is my first attempt and i dont know much about what im doing.


Active Member
How old are your plants? if they are still small transplant them into good soil sunshine 4 or promix-bx have dolomite lime in them . if its to late for that try adding dolomite lime on the top its a ph buffer keeps soil around 7 ph and adds cal-mag( plants love this shit) might take a while to break down though. when you water adjust the ph in between 6.5-7. mix dolomite lime in soil it prevents alot of headache.

Make sure you are getting a good soil reading. If you bought a cheap soil tester you might not be getting a reliable reading. The water run off is usually a good indication of you soil ph. if you can return the soil ph tester and get a digital liquid tester you cant get them for AROUND 20$ ON EBAY a Milwaukee ph-600 works good for me just keep the tip wet. when adding dolomite lime add around 1-2 tbs per gallon of soil. not to sure how much to add to the top of soil i have never had to do it.

ph down is good for you plain water to lower it a bit. but when adding nutrients you might need ph up.


Active Member
yes sir you beat me to it. DOLOMITE LIME!!! ph stays neutral at 7. and its pretty hard to over add unless you add a tremendous amount of dolomite lime.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil did you buy ? Also with some soiless mixes the ph is high for the first couple of watering.Check ph after a few watering to see if it is still high. You can also add dolomite lime to your water at 1 tbs per gallon and apply it that way so it breaks down sooner. Hope this helps, best of luck.

trichlone fiend

New Member sure you get the rapid release dolomite lime. Regular dolomite lime takes months to become active. I threw my soil pH meter away, they are totally useless, IMO...poke'n holes into your soil rips your roots apart. Dolomite lime also provides cal./mag.


New Member
DOLOMITE LIME is at home depot under garden lime same shit top dress your soil /// also hydrated lime in you water would be effective as well and faster results
thanks everybody for the help....i think i might have freaked out after the reading on the meter which now every one has told me is completely useless and unreliable. i will keep it for the moisture and lumens checker on it but i will disregard ph readings on it. i am uploading pics and would love to see if you guys think everything is alright. im a little worried about some of the veins on the leaves. some are not green and look kinda yellow/white-ish. also, i have a few leaves who's tips starts to curl up and in. a little background. the is a closet. pretty decent ventilation. temps are a tiny bit hight. like 85-86 with the lights on. running 400w HPS. the plants are like 10-11 days in soil after germ'ing on a plate with paper towel. pretty sure they are some solid genetics. thanks again for all the help

