please help-sick plant???


Active Member
alright so my buddy throws seeds from bag weed that he gets in his backyard. This spring the seeds from last year popped up & he had 5 or 6 plants, 3-7 inches tall each in his back yard.

He said i could have them if i had a place for them. So i took 3 and put them in a small bucket for the first week watered them with boiled and filtered water at room temperature and put a desk lamp on them with a regular bulb, they seemed healthy at first but towards the end of the first week they didn't look as good.i put them in new soil and have been using a cfl for the second week .

i wanted to seperate the three plants this morning however when i ran water on the root ball i discovered it was all one plant. it's been 2 weeks since i've had it i don't know how old it is. I gave it some 10 15 10 sunday and again today when i replanted it after rinsing all the dirt from out side off of the root ball.

Now it's in good fresh soil with sand, pearl lite, and peat moss. it looks the same as before i transplanted it the first time though. the transplants didn't seem to have any stress on the plants that i could see.

the plant is misscolored and the leaves curl back and inward and have since before the first transplant.

i've attached pictures...

any suggestions...

will my plant be ok ?
what looks like the problem?
what can i do to fix it?
what plant food is recommended?
is it normal for the stems to grow underground ? (i replanted them the way they i found it (picture included)).
and is the pot it's in be big enoughto flower the plant at about a foot (6 in around and about 6 deep)
Is a 19 watt = to 75 watt compact flourescent ok to grow and flower the plant only to about a foot high?

please help
and thank you soo much
to those that do




Well-Known Member
Don't use regular light bulbs.
Just put them outside in a big pot where they get plenty of light.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...could be several things. Could be nute lock out from shock. You said you had it under a desk lamp with a regular bulb? I'd say it definitely is suffering from a lack of light. Also, sounds like you left the 3 plants in the same pot too long and now their root system is all entangled. What will probably happen is mother nature will dictate the survival of the fittest and whichever is able to take in the most nutes will survive.

I would add some Superthrive, increase your lighting, PH your soil and check to make sure your are giving it adequate water. Also make sure it's not too hot - this will wilt the leaves. Good luck.


Active Member
Hey there theexploiteddd, first of all id like to say you have a beautiful sativa plant there.. you mainly see indica these days because it grows faster, but i prefer the sativa smoke anyday.. as for the stem growing underground, aslong as your sure its one plant you are fine, your friend probably buried it a bit due to stretching. as for the curling leaves, it may be overwatering.. how often do you water it? and the lights, the more the better, you can never have too much light. if you are running on a tight budget you can take a deep cardboard box without the lid and cover the inside in tinfoil.. shiny side out of course, and stick your light at the top, will help a bit.. but i recomend getting more lights if you can afford it. looks a bit stretched... hope i helped, happy growing.


Active Member
the long fingerlike leaves and light green pigment are screaming sativa.. indica strains tend to have shorter fatter leaves, as well as a darker green colour.. of course i could be wrong, humidity can play a big role in the width of the leaves. there is an article about determining the difference somewhere in the growfaq, but for the life of me i cant find it right now..


Well-Known Member
I think it's a little too early to really tell on those plants. One of my plants had the same thin finger-like leaves and was taller and "stretchier" earlier on than the others. Now I'm well into flowering and it's pretty much the same (or was, since I harvested this past Sat) as the remaining other plant.