Please help seeds won't germinate............ I don't kno what to do!!!!!

Ok this is my first grow EVER!!! And I'm still learning everyday and I kno this its probably a dumb question but here I go.......
A week ago I planted my seeds in spongepots and starter soil in my homemade propagater and placed them on a heating mat in the inside of my closet (with no light getting to them, I listened to a dumb ass friend) so now after a week.........NOTHING. so is it to late to put em under my grow light and save them??? Or should I count my loses and get some more seeds??
Please help all feedback will be greatly appreciated thank you


New Member
well germination should be done in the dark, like it would happen naturally.

Try putting the seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours. The seeds that float after you poke them down are duds. The ones that sink or sink half way and wait a little to come back up are good. Then put them into paper towel until they crack. The paper towel should be damp, not wet. That could be your problem, too wet.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the answer is probably not

that suck better luck next time

i sow my seeds in damp coco 1/4in down in loss coco because its inert, and still use a high dilution rate of clonex seed/seedling solution because its helps maintain a inert environment, then when i see sprouts, i replant in new coir or flush depending on amount of coir used and use canna rhizotnic only until i see roots coming out bottom or four or more nodes on main branch/stem

last time i got results in 3 days amd they found their way down too, i checked all seeds planted on side tap roots found down


New Member
nah man just dig them up and put them into a damp paper towel. I like this method because its not just wait and pray, its wait and see


Well-Known Member
same happened to me, take them out, if theyre black theyre probably rotted like mine. My problem was too wet+too much heat. good luck!


New Member
I tend and works everytime for me, to fill a mug with clean bottled water at room temp.(3/4)
Place seeds in cup and a notebook over the cup and place on top of a cable box.
Seeds will germ 1-3 days eveytime!
(sometimes even earlier) :P