Please Help!! Root Problem!!!


Hi Peeps.

My plant seems to be growing great at the moment, but when i got in form work today i noticed what looks like the root has popped throughh the soil pod at the bottom. do i need to get it potted asap?


I think that you need to have that jiffy cube in something that is dark to protect from the roots seeing light. If you would like to transplant now you can take the whole cube and place it into your growing medium just make sure you use a smaller pot like 4" or something like that so it can produce a good root system before it is transplanted to her final container. At least this is how I process the girls at this point. Others may have a different opinion but I know that my way works for me...

If you put it directly into a larger pot like 11L or something of that size the roots will tend to grow out and down and will not produce a root system that is thick it will be more spread out in the larger container. That is why I move from a root cube to a small container then when it is getting close to being root bound in that container I move them to a 5 gallon container or something of the sorts for the rest of vegetative and all of flowering.


so its not urgent to pot it then? i can let more roots come out the side aslong as i keep it wet? and i have a pro mix soil which contains perlite and worm castings is this good? and also is it worth putting some stones at botrtom of pot so it dont wash out the soil when i water?


Yes, Yes and Yes... I would let more roots come out the side of the rooting cube but please make sure that the roots do not see direct light or they will stop growing that is why it is important to have it in a rooting tray or something dark so the roots never see the light. I always put some hydroton (clay pellets) in the bottom of my soil to allow for the nutrient solution to flush out the bottom and also not to let the soil wash out during watering. I think that the soil you are using sounds fine. DO NOT fertilize this small seedling as of yet because the soil that you are using with the worm castings will support the first few weeks of growth with the levels of nitrogen. Fertilize after 3-4 weeks of growth or when you can tellit has entered the vegetative stage with vigurous growth.