PLEASE help. READ and you will understand

OK please read... and please help . i know this is probably anoying and a nube thing to ask but i am not a nube .. im having a baby in about 5 months and this is my last chance to make some good money as i will not be able to do this sort of thing any more . basicly . my leaves are spotting brown and turning crunchy. heres a few pics and any help would be amazing . thank you so much IMG_20140124_015040.jpgIMG_20140124_015055.jpgIMG_20140124_015046.jpg


Well-Known Member
How is the new growth?

Old growth, the leaves you are noticing turning brown, are most likely being affected by lack of Mg.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a check of your humidity? In my area it is very cold and humidity is down to almost nothing at times. They need a certain amount of moisture in the air


Well-Known Member
Whats you ph light cycle grow medium etc. We need more info. It appears to be mg but usually mg is a ph problem. Not in all cases but usually