PLEASE HELP! Probation piss test in 4 days and need to piss clean!

Okay, so I had no idea where to post this at, but I was sure atleast someone on here would know the answer. I've been researching and found many different ways, but I have a stipulation from the judge that if my test is INVALID and have to be retested, I GET NO RETEST, I go to jail. So I want a sure method. I've heard of Certo (sure-gel jello mix prior to test). Also Drink LOTS of water 2-3 gallons a day and pee 2-3 times before test. Drink Cranberry juice and take B12. So can anyone help me out with a sure method? I want to keep on toking and start my grow back up, but with this being the first test...I'm a little worried! I am 5'10 and have been smoking dank for 6 months and mids for around a year. I haven't smoked for maybe 2 weeks. I have been working out and drinking tons of water and taking vitamins and took my diet down to raw veggies and fruits. I have creatine powder to color my urine as well as B12.
Okay, so there is all my info on what I've been doing and I just started this big diet yesterday and I get tested on the 23rd of june at 12pm. I don't want to fail or have an invalid test result. I tested myself yesterday with a kit from walmart and I still tested positive. SO PLEASE HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to cash out for a wizinator. Don't fuck around with jail time.


Well-Known Member
water pills you can get them at walmart vitamin B you can get that at walmart
on the day of your test wake up about 6 or 7 am drink about 1/2 a gallon of water than take 2 of the water pills try and drink the other 1/2 gallon of water you will star pissing like every 5 mins if it does not make you piss take another water pill keep drinking water till about 10 Oclock take 2 vitamin Bs make sure you get the yellow or orange ones this puts the color back in you piss so it wont be dilute

make sure you drink more water or take more vitamin b to adjust to the right color


bud bootlegger
They stopped making those in 2008. Plus they will be watching my dick.
the company whizzinator is no longer around, but i just got one like a week or so ago from a different website.. even if they watch your dick, all they are going to see is a dick.. the whizzinator looks damn real.. i spent like $125 on it, and it looks nice.. i haven't had to use mine yet, but i've been practicing with it.. i'm not facing jail and am not on probation or anything like that, but i have to give random urines about once a month or so.
i also just got some quick fix sythentic urine for the whizzinator online.. i think i paid like $100 for six boxes of it.. so, i'm in for a lil over two bills for some fake pee and a fake penis.. i started a thread a few weeks back called the whizzinator, and i got a lot of positive responses on that thread so i bite the bullet and went ahead and ordered myself one..


New Member
when i was on probation many moos ago when i was 16 i smoked every day i learned that i could use a bandage soak the middle of the white pad with " bleach " ... Oops i cut my finger on the tip not really ! but i put the bandage on my left pointer finger i am right handed so when i held my pecker to go pee oops i peed on my left finger were the bandage was at leave it loose on your finger to let it drip some pee/bleach into the cup . it worked for me !


Active Member
i've heard ibuprofen can cause a certain type of test to test positive for THC could be worth reading up on it in case the shit hits the fan... as for before if you have a foreskin it could be a good time to put it to some use lol... chemicals are risky however i'd rather go for it than do jail time...
So far I have been working out hardcore for the past 3 days and tested myself again tonight and found a VERY faint pink line on the test strip. (Piss test from walmart). Last time I had no line what so ever. I bought some cranberry pills, drink lots of cranberry juice (mainly during meals), and atleast 1 gallon of water a day or more, plus regular all around vitamins, b-12 complex vitamins, 2 niacin a day, 1 stacker a day, atleast 1 cranberry pill a day, and 1 tablespoon creatine to regain piss color and energy from working out. (I workout outside with cardio exercises in 94 degree heat with a jacket to make me sweat more). But I think that's about what I've done for each day for the past 3 days. My piss was still good with color tonight and it was well after a meal and everything. I have sure-gel for backup, but I want to keep on toking after this, I just don't know how long it takes to usually dilute your piss with the water method to pass a test.
*Sorry for the long response, but more details = more feedback...hopefully. So please keep the info coming!!


Active Member
try to speed up your metabolism by changing the time of day you eat and what you eat, it's an effective way to speed up the process of breaking down the thc infested fat!
I have had friends have success with using some drops of bleach on the urine, I have also had success myself with just trying to clean my body in a week and got lucky. Maybe someone here knows if the bleach works 100% of the time, that band aid with bleach thing seems like it might just work.


Well-Known Member
I have stopped for 5 days and passed a lab test. I guess it depends on the person. I just drank lots of water all week and golden seal root.