Please help! nute problem and only have miracle grow D: (Pics)


Active Member
My bottom leaves became really yellow than feel off i put some nutes in a jug of water and fed them but now my big fan leaves are turning yellow..the problem is i only have miracle gro all purpose plant food and i cant get anything else till i get plant is 5 weeks 4 days old from when i planted the seed an its about 6 inch tall i'm using a light off of an aerogarden but i would like to know how i should measure my plant food the next time i should feed new to growing so i dont have anything cool




Well-Known Member
I use miracle grow for my non cannabis plants, its usually 1 table spoon per gallon.
Looks like your missing calcium, sulfur, maganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, from your plant mix. I'd stay away from that particular miracle grow. You need some micro nutes to fix your plant.


Well-Known Member
What I think your plant is missing(id have to see the new leaves and or the full plant to give you a more thorough report).

Calcium (Ca) - From slight chlorosis to brown or black scorching of new leaf tips and die-back of growing points. The scorched and die-back portion of tissue is very slow to dry so that it does not crumble easily. Boron deficiency also causes scorching of new leaf tips and die-back of growing points, but calcium deficiency does not promote the growth of lateral shoots and short internodes as does boron deficiency.
Boron (B) - From slight chlorosis to brown or black scorching of new leaf tips and die-back of the growing points similar to calcium deficiency. Also the brown and black die-back tissue is very slow to dry so that it can not be crumbled easily. Both the pith and epidermis of stems may be affected as exhibited by hollow stems to roughened and cracked stems.