Please help- new user with weird new feelings from smoking!


New Member
Hi, I have smoked weed many times before in high school, college, but that was recreationally with friends. Now I am 30 and for some reason have had a weird reaction that I have never had before. After I smoke weed I start to feel like my foot is falling asleep (pins and needles, tingling), but all over my chest, face, hands, and lips. It feels like the feeling you get before you pass out from not enough oxygen because the pins and needles are so bad on my skin and lips especially, it's scary because you have the feeling you're going to pass out but don't. I never felt anything bad from smoking before, but what is wierd is ever since one night that I was drinking heavily (which just like smoking I drank a lot before and never had a problem) but ever since I had a night of heavy drinking vodka with friends, I woke up the next morning with the tingling face, lips, hands, etc. and if I tried to talk or become active it was worse, I would have to sleep a full nights rest and then it would go away. With the weed I have to wait until it wares off and the feeling subsides. I don't see why I would be fine drinking and smoking and all the sudden after that night I have this reaction every time! The only thing that happened that night was I did hit my back bad that night of drinking when I woke up with pins and needles, but then ONLY feeling it when I would wake up from a night of drinking or from smoking weed?! Also, if I woke up and drank again, the tingling would go away, it would only tingle after I woke up early from drinking and would have to sleep again until I felt better. Smoking it just comes on a few minutes after and goes away when it wares off. If it was a back injury that made this happen why only when after drinking and while smoking do I feel this? I can take pain meds and feel normal, benzos, even ecstasy I tried twice after and was scared it would happen, I was kind of testing my body I guess and it didn't happen! I just don't know why weed would all of the sudden make me feel this way after that one night I woke up after drinking and felt tingly when I smoked plenty before and was always fine. I have seen doctors and none of them seem to connect the reaction to the drinking or smoking but I know there is a connection because it's the only time it happens! Please if anyone has any idea what is going on or what I can do or how and if I can smoke again for my pain without these reactions for my pain instead of pain meds, help!
something has definitely changed, id contact a doctor also, sounds serious, dont lie about the smokeing they dont give a shit and may help with diagnosis
sorry just seen the last part and you said youve seen a doc, its got to be an imbalance of some short, or maybe the wrong type of weed, sativa will usually give an effect like that,racing heart beat,tingly feeling. Myabe the weed had a chemical on it like azamax or avid, i heard that shits not good for nerves system
It doesnt seem to be the weed but a deeper problem that the weed and alcohol seems to bring out. Are there any other symptoms? Sweating, Racing heart beat, trouble breathing, irrational thoughts of death? Could be anxiety.
It doesnt seem to be the weed but a deeper problem that the weed and alcohol seems to bring out. Are there any other symptoms? Sweating, Racing heart beat, trouble breathing, irrational thoughts of death? Could be anxiety.

No other symptoms, just the tingling/pins and needles feeling. Mostly on my chest hands face and lips. It's scary because the whole time it's the feeling that you feel when you're losing oxygen and are going to pass out but you don't, you just have the pins and needles. I don't seem to actually have any other symptoms, my heart will race when I start to freak out but that's after the pins and needles all over. There isn't really trouble breathing, but when I breath in and out the tingling gets worse on my chest, I hate the feeling and have seen multiple doctors that just say oh it's not related you probably have a deficiency but that's just them trying to get me out because obviously it's related because it NEVER happens only after a night of drinking and while smoking. I just don't know what could be doing this all of the sudden when I was fine before and now it happens every time. Any help please?! Thanks for the responses so far and to come! I'm just worried and no doctor seems to care, I have heard of this happen before with drinkers too where they have the same affect when they wake or when the alc. wears off.. But smoking, I don't see what would do this when I was fine before and now it constantly happens, it really sucks because my pain is unbearable and so is this feeling/side effect. :wall:
Grow your own bud organically, then you'll know what goes in it. If it's a side effect, ignore it it'll go away eventually. If you grow your own you'll know no strange pesticides or other stuff are causing it.

So what did the doctors actually say besides it's not linked? I don't really believe it's connected to the drinking or smoking too since that's not a known side effect of either and you never had it before then. It sounds more like a more serious issue you have that you only feel those effects while drinking/smoking. If you're really feeling weird about it, I'd get thoroughly medically checked out. Then again, half the time doctor's really don't know shit.
The only thing I can think of that MIGHT cause this is smoking buds that are HEAVILY sprayed with heavy pesticides very close to harvest. But I'm reaching with that one, and might be completely wrong. Pesticide issues generally are from long term exposure.

I'd say keep talking with your doctor. A buncha stoners on the internet can't really be of much help when it comes to medical issues. :)
The only thing I can think of that MIGHT cause this is smoking buds that are HEAVILY sprayed with heavy pesticides very close to harvest. But I'm reaching with that one, and might be completely wrong. Pesticide issues generally are from long term exposure.

I'd say keep talking with your doctor. A buncha stoners on the internet can't really be of much help when it comes to medical issues. :)

Agreed no one here can really tell you there's not something seriously wrong only a doctor can eliminate that factor. Are you sure you're not just REALLY high? :) Like when I first started getting high it was pretty potent body effects like feeling like I needed to piss myself and checking to make sure I didn't (never did, just always was sooooo high I felt weird sensations like that and couldn't tell without a visual check) ;) ahhh the good all days when it was all you could do to turn your head... ;)
Yeah, guess you're right. For sure any doctor I've seen just thinks oh you're fine now so you must be okay and don't really care, and most don't really even know about much and just look on their laptops for an answer. I think next time since it's been a while maybe I should just try taking it reeall slow, like 1 hit and wait a while, then if the symptoms start I guess it's just something I either have to find a doctor that will listen to me about or have to stop. Hopefully taking it slow like that will help though, I did kind of go a little hard the couple times I smoked when I started after years of not smoking.
My whole body kinda of tingles when i smoke...but that's the effect that I'm after.

Is it pins and needles or just a numbing tingle? Because I feel the pins n needles like your foot falling asleep and my lips and face get so bad (chest too) that it even is hard to moved my face or talk. Goes for anyone really does anyone else feel a good tingle or actually pins and needles tingle. I like the "good tingle" if that's what you're talking about like E has that good tingle I would like, but this is different. Do you or anyone actually feel the pins and needles and like that? More than likely it's the other tingly sensation. Sorry if a bit confusing, thanks for all the responses though.
Any reason you can't set an appointment with a doctor, light up and make the problem happen right before your appointment so he can check you out as it's happening? have you checked your bp/heart rate?
Any reason you can't set an appointment with a doctor, light up and make the problem happen right before your appointment so he can check you out as it's happening? have you checked your bp/heart rate?

Good idea, havn't thought of smoking right before seeing the doc, ha, guess I could make an appt and try that. Never checked the bp, i'm sure the heart rate would be high though because smoking usually brings it up anyways but then after feeling all prickly everywhere it would make it go up even more, but yea, good idea although still has to be an actually caring good knowing doctor because most would just say oh you're having a panic attack even after telling them my history. Hard to find a damn doctor that actually does their job and well.
doctors nowadays treat symptoms very rarely truly diagnose the prob. i have been in intesive care twice in my life and both times they give me every anti biotic they have and send me home i ask what did i have they say i dont know but its gone now. so i wouldnt excpect too much. tingleing usually has to do with nerve or circulation issues.
You would be surprised my bp goes down when i smoke as i get relaxed :)

If u got a medical card its kinda ur pot docs job to look into these things....
Honestly if i were you i'd probably just stop all drink, smoke and chems and try and eat well and exercise, then in say 6 months try a tiny bit and see if it comes back.
Id quit all caffeine, tobacco and alcohol. Go with thge weed. Your body might have outgrown the weed need.
I know weed was my reason to live in high school. Now I cant smoke it woth out getting the need to brush my teeth and wash my face!
Not great in social settings on weed.

Now I use it for medicinal reasons only. I keef bud and make cookies and sleep all night long.

Something has changed in my metabolism or brain chemistry or the introduction of caffeen and I get the shakes!

back in high school I LOVED WEED. Now not so much.
Do you cough when you smoke? Maybe coughing really hard triggers something in your spine/back/nerves or something?