Please help my sprouts!! :(


Active Member
im sorry i cant get pics but my seeds sprouted like 5 days ago and they are a healthy looking 1inch. but i woke up today and noticed that 2 of the bigger leaved ones are slowly turning yellow from the inside of the leaf outward idk what to do :( what could be wrong? i have them under about 120 watts of cfls and the are in MG soil....yay i know it sucks but its all i got


Well-Known Member
Soil could be the problem -- nute burn from that shitty MG soil.

pH could be the problem -- are you using tap water?


Active Member
im useing bottled tap water but idk how it would be nute burn :( i sifted about 1/3 of the nutes out and scattered the rest back in i thought that would cut them a little break :S :S what should i do to help?


Well-Known Member
Well, 1/3 of the nutes is not all of them. All it takes is for the taproot or the new root system to grow thru one of those time-release nute balls and your sprout is OD-ing on ferts. This may or may not be the problem, interior yellowing suggests that the problem exists in the plant's uptake/transport system, so you can probably rule out any types of environmental factors, but it's hard to say without pics.

BTW it is normal for the plant's first leaves to yellow off and die at some point in the grow, but this is way too early. It wouldn't matter if you had your first set of fan leaves (do you?), but if these leaves die off and there is no more green on the plant, you might as well pack it in.


Active Member
I have experienced the same exact thing. I planted some AK47 in MiracleGro soil and by the 2nd week it was eating up the bottom leaves. They were burning to a crisp from the overnuted soil. I went and picked up some Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil and transplanted them out as quick as possible. Since then they have picked up beautifully. I'd recommend the same if you have access to it.

$5 shitty miracle grow or $20 fox farms ocean forest.

you get what you put into it is the lesson I learned.

Edit: If you DO NOT have access to Fox Farms products, then I highly suggest trying to find Black Gold Potting Soil or Pro-Mix. I believe you can find Pro-Mix at stores like Home Depot, but either way, it's MOST likely your problem is being caused by the soil, the Miracle Gro. I've heard it's fine to use once the seedling has grown for a couple weeks, but it's definitely too intense for poor immature seedlings and will burn them up.


Well-Known Member
forget soil next time. put some time into it and build you a simple aeroponics setup... you will love it

That time released MG says it feeds up to 3 6 9 months is no good. I made my own soil!


Active Member
gah :( thanks everyone but i dont know when i would be able to get new soil :( is it possible to just sift all the nutes out should that help if nute burn is the problem?


Well-Known Member
Get fresh soil anywhere. Sprouts are small, it does not take much soil. Two cups of old stuff from a planter box near your apartment is better than days of nutrient burn and the pointless death of your sprout.