PLEASE HELP!: my plants are in danger!!

im very worried about my new baby clones.. i got them yesterday and they are still small, like an inch big.. and i notice that some of them dont look to healthy. as you can see from the pics some of the leaves are a brighter green, and some are even yellow.. and a few of them, the tips of the leaves have went brown/yellow and have curled..

im no professional but i think this is nitrogen deficiany and maybe they were burned from the indoor lights..

i planted them today in a bed i prepared very good for them. its rich in nutrients, lots of manure, compost,.. organic material:) the stems seem to be strong and i put some manure around so they will benefit from its nitrogen, and some grass clippings i put around them too.

im just so worried, i feel like a over protective mother lol... will my babies be ok? what can i do? will, and when will they recover?
thank you.. so much:peace: