Please help my baby!(Is this Nitrogen Toxicity?) She is almost ready to Harvest!!


New Member
I am about 7 weeks into flowering, and her leaves are turning Brown, some have turned all the way yellow, and I took them off. I was wondering if I mist the leaves if that would be a suitable way for them to get water even if they are not getting their neuts? I need to make sure she has enough strength to get to harvest. I have leached her already, Soil is still wet. Any help would be great.All I use is Azomite, and water. 250W HPS. i have taken the direct light from the plant and made it to where it reflects from the Mylar to the plant.


all purpose fertilizer should help , You should also check pH , potassium gets locked in pH 4-5,5. just try not to overdo with nitrogen ( get low N , rich K fertilizer ). not a very wise idea while flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'd say losing a few old fan leaves at week 7 of flower isn't a big enough deal to start pouring a bunch of shit into your pots, but thats just my opinion. I would think that the unnecessary "leaching" probably gave them a deficiency.


I'd say losing a few old fan leaves at week 7 of flower isn't a big enough deal to start pouring a bunch of shit into your pots, but thats just my opinion. I would think that the unnecessary "leaching" probably gave them a deficiency.
Apparently I agree. Just got used to organic way of thinking where 'puring a bunch of shit into pots' is not an issue ; )


New Member
A couple days ago, my plant started to get the claw look on my leaves. I was told by people on here that it was nitrogen toxicity, but now this is happening to my leaves. I leached for the reason there was too much nitrogen or built up excess salt in the soil. When he is dried up more I will be using molasses and water to flush her, and I hope the calcium and the potassium in the molasses will help her a little bit. I am about 2 weeks from harvest like I said so I hope it will help and not get worse.


Active Member
You're not going to fix the effected leaves no matter what you do. when you attempt to fix a problem you need to look to the new growth. At seven weeks flowering there won't be a whole lot of new growth.


Well-Known Member
I leached for the reason there was too much nitrogen or built up excess salt in the soil. When he is dried up more I will be using molasses and water to flush her, I hope it will help and not get worse.
She is starving for nitrogen. If you flush the soil the plant will get noticeably worse. Why are you starving the plant the plant during the home stretch when it's trying to put on weight?


New Member
She is starving for nitrogen. If you flush the soil the plant will get noticeably worse. Why are you starving the plant the plant during the home stretch when it's trying to put on weight?
From my resurch and what I was told on this site I needed to because my plant was water and neut locked. Since all I use is azomite and water, I knew it couldnt be so much from too much over nitrogen, but from my understanding, Excess salt left behind from evaporation mixed with the neuts in the soil and caused the roots to lock everything out and I needed to wash the soil.