Please help my baby, 2nd week into flowering. PLEASE Pics inside


Well-Known Member
so my baby is in it's 2nd week of flowering as of today and about a week ago it started getting some spots on some of my leaves but not all of them (picture #1). It seems as if it stunted it a bit because the growth process slowed down a bit. After I flushed the following day the new growth started to show and it looked well and healthy, but two days after the flush one the new leaves started just completely dying and I don't know what the problem could be (#2), I will also mention that I just recently topped my baby. I am growing in Miracle grow, with perlite, organic ferts, and orchid plant food (17,31,18) thats the orchid plant food N,P,K. Please any advice on what the problem is would be great, and I really don't know what the PH is so that could possibly be it, but please don't limit your answer to just the PH.



These are just for further analysis if you want different looks at the situation.

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