Please help meeeee!!!

HELP me please!

i had a post before about my plants having nute burn, they healed alright but i think
theyre growth was stunted because they have not gotten any bigger height wise since then. I have two plants and one of them is dying, they're getting the same of everything, but i dont know how to explain why this is happening, they leaves are crispy, like when u touch it it crumples up and falls apart, i dont know what to do, ive given hardly any nutrients so it couldnt be nute burn, i should have a picture on later tonight when i get my camera but any help in the mean time please!
i am switching to 12/12 now, is it possible to heal the plant in order for it to produce bud, its mostly the large leaves that are dying, anyways help is much aprreciated.


Well-Known Member
temps? ph? watering schedule? Give us as much info as possible, otherwise its hard to help w/o the pics being up yet, we'd all just be guessing. also, i noticed this and had to point it out(lol:bigjoint::peace:)-
"they healed alright"

"is it possible to heal the plant in order for it to produce bud"

Also, on a more serious note-
"they have not gotten any bigger height wise since then. I have two plants and one of them is dying,"
doesnt really sound like they healed/recovered if they didnt grow or anything since the problem.