Please help me!!!

I'm starting hbergs compast tea formula and was wondering if sacramento tap water was safe enough after 24 hrs to use please help me out I'n stuck!

Edit: I'm growing in dwc and Im trying hberg's formula and I used ro water to make the tea, but I am only using tap water in my 5 gallon buckets, after 24 hrs of tap in my 5 galoon buckets can I add the compost tea? or I am idiot?
the ph in my tap is about 8.0, and the ppm is about 45, what does this mean? I'm growing dwc isn't that hydro... I'm only use gh 3 part system and re nothing else... I want to add the compost tea and Ive been just letting my plants sit in regular tap water for the past 24 hrs. Is it safe to add the tea now, please help me bro


Well-Known Member
I don't mix organic and hydro. I don't know anyone who does. I know your tap water has a good start ppm, but your pH needs to be around 5.8 for hydro.

You'll need to experiment and research with your feeding. Every plant is different, but a good start is

Seedlings and Clones: 250ppm
Beginning Veg: 350-450ppm
Reg Veg : 500-800
Late Veg: 900-1000
Flower: 1000-1800

Always flush at least once a week, and running distilled water the last week or 2 of flower to get rid of nutes for good taste.


Rebel From The North
First off hiesenbergs tea is great and a must in hydro!
your ph being 8.0 is high.

mix your nutes and add your tea then ph adjust it and your ready to rock.
ph for hydro should be 5.6 to 6.2


Well-Known Member
I used to live off of Sacramento water... it's the Fairfield water you have to worry about. JK.
If you're concerned about mineral content, you'll be fine. Just watch the pH as Hellraizer said.
Heisenbergs tea recipe works in hydro as well as in soil (been using a similar recipe for a good while)... for those of you that aren't aware. I suggest you read the thread:
Idk about hydro as I'm a soil grower, but a little Chlorine never seemed to hurt anything in soil, so probably no reason to fret.
I used to live off of Sacramento water... it's the Fairfield water you have to worry about. JK.
If you're concerned about mineral content, you'll be fine. Just watch the pH as Hellraizer said.
Heisenbergs tea recipe works in hydro as well as in soil (been using a similar recipe for a good while)... for those of you that aren't aware. I suggest you read the thread:
Idk about hydro as I'm a soil grower, but a little Chlorine never seemed to hurt anything in soil, so probably no reason to fret.
thanks man thats the answer i needed to feel secire i guess, but i still have my fingers crossed!