Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what will happen to a plant in its 5th week of flowering if you put outside for 7 days in April, then bring back in to normal schedule??


Well-Known Member
Why the hell would you want to do this?
thats what I want to know too, its kinda like saying what will happen if IM 5 WEEKS IN and I switch from 12/12 to 14hrs of light and rest dark what will happen...well the plants would revert back to veg. what latatuide are you at??so what kinda light hours do you have in april.? still I wouldnt do that.
take it easy


Well-Known Member
okay,,,so alot of light in april...fuck ...urrr,,,I take it you have a timer? well mabye a mate who can look after them? that or you rig up a drip system for while you are away,,then again you shouldnt leave any system on its own un monitured for more than four days,,, sorry I cant think of anything other than getting a mate round.

take it easy and enjoy your hoilday.
i think if i put them in a place that is shady and doesnt get direct sun all day ill be fine. Maybe they will take a week to get back on schedule but i think they should be fine.


Well-Known Member
i think if i put them in a place that is shady and doesnt get direct sun all day ill be fine. Maybe they will take a week to get back on schedule but i think they should be fine.
It doesn't matter if it's direct sun or not, the ambient light is enough to keep their photoperiod going.


nope. you don't want your plant getting mixed up with other light. you should go one way or the other. because it may cause your plant to stress out.:leaf:
ok so if there budding already then before i put them outside give them 24 hours of darkness then when i brought them back gave them another 24 hours of darkness are they just going to die? lol your saying they will NEVER finish budding?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I would put off your vacation for 3 weeks. If you insist on doing this the plants will finish budding...8 weeks after you get them back on a 12/12. It's going to be bad. They will probably never really get right again.


Well-Known Member
weigh the cost of your crop to whatever this vacation has costed/will cost ya. if you spent five grand on trip to austrailia and you have one plant GO. and vice versa