PLEASE help me... Why are these leaves dying??? Please see PICS...

Hey there! Please check out the pics...

Can someone tell me what's going on here? I like to think I know what I'm doing but I'm stumped. I have ALL the environmental factors + CO2 dialed in my room. Everything is perfect. 3 vented 600 hps lights 2 feet from canopy/screen. RO reservoir aerated and chilled to 66 degrees Etc... The whole deal.

I transplanted rooted clones into my custom GH Aeroflo system 2 weeks ago and fed them with a 800-900ppm nutrient solution @ 5.7 PH (The GH 3-part) Also added a bit of benificial bacteria. Roots in the grow tubes are vigorous and white. The plants themselves are exploding. They're growing 2-3 inches a day. 3 days ago I upped the nutrients to 1200ppm (which has since dropped to 1050ppm).

In the last 2 days in noticed the new leaves in the strongest growth areas (directy under the lights are not finishing growing. They are turning dark green/black in the margins and then turning brown as they mature. ******The 2 rows of pants furthest from the light are almost not doing it at all*******

The lights are air-cooled and 2+ft above the canopy.

These plants would be 2-3 feet tall if they weren't strapped to the screen.

Could 1200ppm be too strong in this situation? (Week 3 Aeroponic)

I would think if it were OVER FERT, it would be happening almost everywhere. Like I said, the plants further away show the symptom much less. All the Over Fert I've seen is rust colored burning/curling tips, not this blackening of the margins.

My guess is DEFICIENCY. That the strongest plants (right under the lights) are growing sooooo fast that the current nute level is not strong enough to support their growth rate (couple inches a day)

I wanted to ask the community for advice before I F' it all up by OVER DOING IT. (My Specialty)

Thanks in advance for any replies...



Well-Known Member
Looks like some type of lockout. Could be due to salt build-ups, high fertilizer levels, pH... I would check everything you have going on before adding anything new.