Please help me sort out this hydroponic puzzel


*i posted this in another forum too cause i figured different growers will have different suggestions

hi everyone...i bought a boat load of used equipment of an guy he got stuck with this stuff in his rental house. After looking at dozens of different setups im more confused than ever lol.

I was leaning towards RDWC or undercurrent type heres what i have....
I have 36 5 gallon buckets with an 1 1/4" drain 3" from the bottom on each bucket. 10 or 12" net baskets for each bucket. i have a mile of 1 1/4 drain line and 40' of 1/2" or 3/4" black water line. I have a 950 gph and a 750 gph pump i will be picking up air pumps soon. I also have a 120L (30g) res and plan on picking up a second one.

my room is 9 x 14 with 4 lights in an L formation. Whatever system i chose i plan on having 9 5gallon buckets per light (unless someone advises different) . Was planning on 27 plants on one rez and 9 on a different rez.

both rez will be on the outside of the room where its nice and cool. my ebb n flow rez stays at 65-68 so temps wont be an issue.

So how do i connect all this together to make it work? i just cant figure it out

thanking everyone in advance



Active Member
thats kind of tough to answer with out seeing everything,but from what it looks like to me is they had all those buckets linked togeather,and perhaps a top feed set up nute solution gets pumped to the top of the pots and the hose comeing out of the bucket keeps the level in all the buckets,see what size fittings are on the pumps that might help you out to,but anyway hope you got a good deal on the stuff and I can tell you from past experence that however you end up setting it up make sure to give it a good test run before putting plants in it and dont allways believe what someone tells you about how to set it up and how it should run only you can find that out. good luck and happy growing


funny you say that...i found a drip line in one of the boxes. yeah i got a wicked deal on everything.

top feed is not what i want... could anyone help me convert this to a RDWC or under current system?


Well-Known Member
here is a under current, basically you can see how all the res buckets are connected via large diameter pvc piping and is constantly circulating through the lower parts of the bucket.

now RDWC is harder to find specifics on for the fact that there is quite a few ways to hook one up, there is top feed (the solution is introduced via a constant spout of water to the top of the bucket which then drips out into the bucket then returned through a drain line to the res) see pic above.

here also is another way it can be done (see pic above).

so there is quit a few ways it can be done imo top feed is one of the best as the water falling into the buckets creates allot of DO, heath robinson (on this site and many others) makes some pretty bad ass RDWC systems that work fantastic.

