PLEASE help me sex this plant


Well-Known Member
I've read and watched so many tutorials on sexing and have spent ages staring at different parts of my plant.

I keep looking at it and thinking "that's female!" then looking again and thinking "that's male!". Now I'm thinking it's hermaphrodite.

I could just wait a few more days, but I'm very apprehensive as I don't want pollen in my box.

Please help me sex this, or is it just too early to tell? Or am I completely blind? I hope the photos are good enough, my cameras all suck.

Rep for any help.



Well-Known Member
your pics are blurred, but looking at the last one standing on my head looks to me like a male. try takeing pics with a bit more focus


Well-Known Member
your pics are blurred, but looking at the last one standing on my head looks to me like a male. try takeing pics with a bit more focus
Yeah, kind of hard to tell w/ these pics... If i had to GUESS, i'd say it's too soon to tell..

Are you allready in flower? how long? how old are the babies?


Well-Known Member
yeah really hard to tell from pics - think you camera is focusing on background and not the fore!


Well-Known Member
We need some good close-up pics of those upper internodes.(pics 3 and 4 would be perfect, if they were clear) Also, you don't have to worry about pollen for quite awhile yet. They don't release their pollen until after the pollen sacs have matured, and will be clearly visible before that happens. :)


Well-Known Member
I couldn't even wager a guess based on those images. Others have suggested allowing the focus of the lens to adjust, but it might be that you are too close for the camera. All cameras have a minimum focusing distance and you probably have moved to close to the subject and, thus, the camera cannot will blur your images.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies guys!!

I managed to get my shitty camera to focus a bit better by moving further away and using the zoom. Hopefully these pictures are enough.

Really appreciate the help, thanks again :)



Well-Known Member
Also, the reason I'm confused is because if you look at most of the photos then it looks male. But then there are sort of pistil-like structure in the last three photos of my last post... Are these actually pistils or just something else?

Oh, and I swapped to 12/12 lighting about a week ago. Still using my veg CFLs though, and have seedlings growing in the same box (backups!)


Active Member
Dude I am thinking its a little early to tell.. But if I am guessing from these pics I say it's a girl, But get other opinions... PEACE


Well-Known Member
Pic 1 is a female, and pic 2 is a male. The other pics aren't clear enough to be able to tell. Keep an eye on #1 and a white hair should come poking out of that pointy thing(can't remember what they're soon. In pic 2, keep an eye on those 2 tiny ball-looking things at the internode. They'll get bigger and start looking more ball-shaped soon. Don't kill it until you give it a couple more days, just to be 100% positive.


Well-Known Member
Pic 1 is a female, and pic 2 is a male. The other pics aren't clear enough to be able to tell. Keep an eye on #1 and a white hair should come poking out of that pointy thing(can't remember what they're soon. In pic 2, keep an eye on those 2 tiny ball-looking things at the internode. They'll get bigger and start looking more ball-shaped soon. Don't kill it until you give it a couple more days, just to be 100% positive.
isn't it one plant? uh oh - hermi?!?!


Well-Known Member
Hmm....I didn't realize that it was just one plant that i was looking at.LOL Anyway....pic 2 shows a male plant, with 90+% certainty. Pic 1 sure looks like a female, but I guess I could be wrong because i was basing that on shape and location of the organ. I've never seen one with both male and female preflowers so early, so i can't help you with that, if that was indeed a female part in the first pic. Could you try a couple more pics of that specific shot?


Active Member
looks to early to tell from the pics. You don't have to worry about any males yet. You'll have plenty of time to see it happen if you look for it regularly. I don't think I see hairs yet but they should appear where you think you see them.
Don't sweat it. They will show themselves in due time and it won't happen so quickly that you won't be able to deal with it. Have fun.


Active Member
See, it looks male to there you have it. Too early to tell...... and they're all will KNOW before it have at least a week, maybe even two before any fear of pollen release.
I've never seen one hermi that early either, which doesn't mean it can't happen.....usually it's very late in the cycle as the plant makes a last ditch attempt to procreate...unless you've been light stressing them by turning lights on during the dark cycle or maybe if you have huge temp changes.......I wouldn't expect a hermi...
Just be patient and watch to see if you get more of those hairless balls. It's been a long time since I sexed one but I can promise you'll know at a glance when the time comes..... I'd put a few bucks on it being male, but I wouldn't bet the farm.........and I'd venture a guess you're 7-10 days into 12/12.....that about right?? I can't swear to it, but it seems like at 14 days I knew...but different strains, different times.......