That plant isn't in need of saving because it's not suffering. It will be fine. How close are the lights though? Heat (too close) to a plant can cause what I think I'm seeing in this picture as the ridges in the leaves (zig zag cut-like shit on the sides of all the leaves) are perhaps curling upward? That would mean your lights are too fuckin close. Thing is, your light may wanna move away an inch or two, to let the plant grow up a little more, then start to get them closer once they're like 4 inches tall, so that the growth and distance between internodes (like plant intersections, where branches are made) remain short and compact, this is ideal for higher yields. Honestly, your plant could be experiencing deficiencies, but becuase it is so young, it is highly fragile, the introduction of any fertilizer at this point to me would be rather stupid. I mean unless you dropped like a single granule of chemical fert or drop of fert into a 2 quart mister or something and foliar fed it (that way the plant can draw it in through the leaves, and you can rinse it off with regular water later so that it won't burn) also, it doesn't place the salts from the fertilizer in the actual soil, where it could remain, build up, and contribute to an acidic pH. Stop using spring water, Oh btw, I used distilled water to feed my plants (ph = 7) and they didn't actually like it, then on my new grow, started using tap water (ph = 5.2 - 5.5) and the plants LOVE it, I've read in other posts that this is the ideal pH for nutrient uptake (found that out after my little tap water discovery) I know they say to let tap water sit out for a couple days so the chlorine will evaporate, but I've used it (and there's a LOT of fuckin chlorine in my water) and the plants don't mind it one bit. (using Miracle Grow 3 month shit now) At first, it burns your plants (clones), but then, as time progresses, it throws you some fat leaves and heavy branching (with appropriate quantities of light) I have discovered that gnat eggs may have existed in the soil prior to obtaining it however.. since I started to get a problem with them in it.. but this problem can be fixed rather easily.. let the soil dry out like crusty fuckin brick dry type shit.. (i did, and my plant didn't even droop) this kill the eggs because they can't survive without moisture) and the eggs are the only thing you must fear, as they feed off the roots, fuck the adults, the only thing they have been remotely linked to is the possible transmission of certain diseases to plants (recent find). Sticky traps = clutch