Please help me diagnose.


New Member
I am growing indoors, this is my first time growing. I am open to any and all advice. Thank you all in advance!
My watering schedule is 2-3 times per week, I am using general organi
cs. I was using bloombastic, but I didn't like it too much so I stopped using it last week. I used it 4 times total. My plants didnt like it.
I am using Roots organic soil, in 3 gal fabric pots.
they are in flowering stage. I hae 2 white widows that is having trouble. My other plants, purple ryders and auto cheese are doing great. I burned the cheese a lil and theyre getting bak to norm.IMG_1873.jpg


Well-Known Member
That plant looks pretty healthy to me! So my only advice is don't change a thing. It's working so far, so stay on course.


New Member
Ok, thank you!!! I am so nervous about doing something wrong, too much, not enough!!! It can be intimidating sometimes. Thank u again!


New Member
oops I forgot to add what the prob is!!! lol!!! Some of the leaes are getting brownish purple along the edges, what can this be?