Please help me! Am i crazy?


Well-Known Member
i dont want to speak negatively about your man, but as a father myself i have a big ol FUCK THAT to the grow in the kids room. he sounds like someone who shouldnt be growing anyway, no plants and it already sounds like all his friends know his intentions. if your gonna grow you tell NO ONE!! if the police have a warrant(with all the people who know about the grow it wont take them long to get one) they can come in at the drop of a hat. you both could catch cases while you child goes to live with the state. be smarter than your grow.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
How easy it is to get caught depends on who you tell and if your selling it or not. If just you and him know and you don't sell it then it's more or less impossible to get caught. If you do get caught then the sentances are usualy quite leniant(in england anyway, but I think here and the US have a similar system), i know someone who got caught growing a plant on his window sill and he got let off with a £30 fine and two hours community service, but that might just be because it was just on his one plant on his window sill and nothing technical. I've heard that if your growing less then 5 plants and don't have a record then you would be EXTREMELY unlikely to get jail time. If it's causing that much arguement then you might as well just let him do it, your more likely to split up over arguments then him get caught, and if he does you can say I told you so.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
You are 100% right to say NO to that! They catch you guys growing weed in your baby's room and they are going to take your baby away to child services.

If he wants to grow weed ELSEWHERE (not where you live) then all you can do is tell him you wish he would not. If he does anyway and gets popped (which he likely will since he blabbed to friends about his plans) then at least you will still be free and have your baby.

I wish you the best of luck.


Well-Known Member
your talking about a grow for weed to sell, the penalties here in the us will be harsh. this isnt merry old england, johnny law dont fuck around here. and for the record, id rather split up with any-fucking-body and keep my child than do something foolish, loose my kid, and go to jail.


Well-Known Member
i really hate bad advice on this site.

the quick answer to your question is that you can get in more trouble for selling than for growing. selling often earns a prison sentence, growing a small amount is often a misdemeanor/probation situation. with selling you have much more risk as other people know what you are doing, are likely to get in situations where they want to snitch, and can be dangerous. growing and telling nobody is almost foolproof.

i know a lot of people on this site do sell, but they know these are the risks and have made that decision with the possible consequences in mind.

i understand the economy sucks right now but eating beans twice a week beats eating them 7 days a week as a ward of the state.


stays relevant.
Ok I have a HUGE problem, first id like to say i LOVE weed yes i do. Anywhos i will be having a baby soon very soon, and my BOYFRIEND wanted to set a little grow up in our babies room i agreed no because of the risk and he got mad at me for that. (Am i wrong for saying no?). So now he wants to do it at a apartment well i house/basment apartment FORMALLY was a crack house and i said well i think that would be stupid just because of that and especially the risk in that. We constantly fight and i constantly stress. I personally don't know much about growing and i think it is absolutly to risky to do especialyl if your going to be a parent. His friends pressure him telling him how easy it is, and we are really low on money so i think this is the only thing he can resort to However i don't know much so i have some questions. Can anyone explain to me how hard or easy it is to get caught becasue i think it's really easy so i may be wrong and over reacting.

1. How easy is it to get caught for a apartment size grow up?
2. Can the cops just burst in anytime or anything?
3. How much jail time can you possibly get for a grow-op if the apartment is under YOUR name?
4. And finally should i just let him do what he wants to do?, do i have a right concern.

My fear is he's just going to get like caught in a month and i'm going to be left alone to raise our child.. and it is just not fair.
Alright, I understand your fear, and concerns about your safety. I personally would not grow in the same room where I keep my child... that's a huge moral nono... The same house, sure why not- I know plenty of women who grow a fine crop in their basements... and nobody ever wises up to them. Of course that doesn't answer your questions...

1. How easy is it to get caught for a apartment size grow up? Not too easy, not too hard... If you have inspections on smoke alarms in your county, get used to the idea of breaking down the op every once in a while... Not a big deal for me, and my op here consumes an entire bedroom. There are also various methods to evade any scent detection and whatnot that I know of and I would be more than happy to advise you of these methods if you PM me.
2. Can the cops just burst in anytime or anything? No... the cops would have to have DEFINITE PROOF, and would have to get a warrant... If the police ever show up at your door, you step outside, and deny them access until they bring a search warrant... but don't be rude, just be respectful- they'll leave you alone.
3. How much jail time can you possibly get for a grow-op if the apartment is under YOUR name? Well if you were to get busted, I would advise you to say that you were currently in the process of leaving him and knew nothing about it... this way HE takes legal and moral responsibility while you are free to go about finding him good legal counsel. I would advise you to save money to bring to the bail bondsman (JUST IN CASE. I have, I've never used it- probably never will, but it's nice to know you have it and can get out of jail quick if need be)
4. And finally should i just let him do what he wants to do?, do i have a right concern. Yes, let him do it- and yes, be concerned. You're the woman, it's your job to care, be nurturing, and concerned for your family... It's his job to assume the risks, and hustle the cash. Letting him do it will only make him love you more, and the financial rewards will be worth it.

My lady lets me grow, she helps me in the grow op sometimes, and she produces concentrates to bring to the medical clubs such as hash, oils, brownies, cookies, drinks, etc... If you are discrete, you will be fine...

I would advise him to not say much to his friends about it as too many people knowing is never a good thing.

Anyhow, I don't want to come off like I am saying you WONT get busted, because bad shit happens to good people all of the time... Just remember that you have to be discrete, and secure. AND he needs to know that if shit hits the fan, you're leaving the room and letting him get sprayed... because you have a child to protect, yourself to protect, and your man will need you to get him out of jail quickly should anything bad ever happen.


stays relevant.
You are 100% right to say NO to that! They catch you guys growing weed in your baby's room and they are going to take your baby away to child services.

If he wants to grow weed ELSEWHERE (not where you live) then all you can do is tell him you wish he would not. If he does anyway and gets popped (which he likely will since he blabbed to friends about his plans) then at least you will still be free and have your baby.

I wish you the best of luck.
He didn't blab to his friends, she said his friends pressure him to do it... but you are spot on about the whole babys room grow op... BAD IDEA.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
I don't think she is talking about weed to sell, the law is very similar, you can get up to 15 years for selling it and if your growing 5 or more plants they assume you are. I missed the babies room bit, that's probably a bad idea, the social services wouldn't be very pleased with that. Slikwill is being a bit extreme though, it's just a plant, the baby won't wap out some papers and roll itself a fatty just because there's a plant in it's room. The basement would be a much better place though if you do decide to let him grow it.


stays relevant.
honestly... you've gotta do what you've gotta do...

there's no way to keep that baby in your belly for another 9 months, so I would either start growing, or start picking up extra job applications... if you invest time in learning it, you can manage the plants at home while your man goes out and busts his hump between harvests... but then remember, you're assuming a portion of the risk (even though as desertrat said... the risk in growing is pretty low if you keep your trap shut)


stays relevant.
Honestly though I'm glad you posted this question, sort of shed some light on how some of my previous ladies might have felt about my growing... All I can say now is I've got a wonderful woman with a green thumb, and I feel like aside from another woman, I can do anything I want... nothing is better than when a woman lets a man be himself...and grow some fine plants.


Well-Known Member
maybe i was a bit extreme at first. im a only parent so im quite paranoid about the losing-your-kid aspect. i myself keep 5 girls, never more, because it is only a misdemeanor in my state. but im assuming he is talking about a more commercial type op, one for making money. your at 3-5yrs with 25 plants here, 5-8 with 50. and weather he told his friends or they told him, they know and they shouldnt. times are hard, but this doesnt soundn like the hustle for you. just my opinion, sorry if i came off hard or offensive.


stays relevant.
maybe i was a bit extreme at first. im a only parent so im quite paranoid about the losing-your-kid aspect. i myself keep 5 girls, never more, because it is only a misdemeanor in my state. but im assuming he is talking about a more commercial type op, one for making money. your at 3-5yrs with 25 plants here, 5-8 with 50. and weather he told his friends or they told him, they know and they shouldnt. times are hard, but this doesnt soundn like the hustle for you. just my opinion, sorry if i came off hard or offensive.
I think your paranoia is totally justifiable... even without personally having children, I know that your kids become your #1 priority in life, before you, your spouse, or anything...

Of course, desperate times call for desperate measures, and execution (whether clean, or sloppy) is the ultimate factor in whether or not you succeed in this.


Active Member
You didn't come as offensive i had the same reaction as you, but i think i might be over-reacting thats why i like other peoples opionions and such, i'm just really paranoid and scetchy about this thing. And no it's not just him doing it it's like 3 other people and they think they can be trust worthy and it's going to be under MY boyfriends name, i know he is the only one thats going to get in trouble and personally i don't trust NOBODY !! and that's my problem with it, he thinks his friends got his back when his friends seem a little shady to me, because i dont see have any damn plants in there house and they got kids !!


Well-Known Member
if i can influence you to do any one thing i hope its to NOT let it happen in your home. growtech is right about you letting him take the fall so you can handle business. if they do this at another location you have a really good chance at getting off clean.


Active Member
Oh don't worry i already stood my ground with that, no way am I having it in our babies room, and i told him if he likes it or not to fucken bad our baby comes first and will always, and that is why he is seeking els where

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
Im sorry, I thought this was General Marijuana Growing.

Why would you even post here asking if you should grow pot in your babies room??? You should already know the answer to that.

WOW we have REALLY fucked up people in the world.


Well-Known Member
If you really love your man you are going to have to accept his faults and find some middle ground.

But neither I nor anyone else here can tell you how much trouble you might face without first knowing what state you are in. You would never be busted on a federal level for a small personal grow of just a few plants, that is local cop territory and as such you could get anything from having them plants taken away and just be told not to do it again to a ticket and a fine to a big battle to stay out of getting some jail time.

If you agreed to let him grow at your apartment or anywhere else all you have to do to never get caught is never tell anyone , never show anyone, and never throw away anything in your own trash that could make someone think you might be growing. Do those things, and grow in a piece of furniture that your landlord can't look into if they ever have to get access to the apartment like a wardrobe cabinet or end tables or speaker boxes etc.

If he has to do it somewhere else make sure it's somewhere nobody else knows about, as soon as somoene else is in on it, you are at a risk because it's always the people around you who tip you off not cops with helicopters and infrared as so many think.

Lastly is your man a level headed stay out of trouble, can hold his liquor type of guy or is he a dumbshit fuckup who always finds a way to get himself in trouble?


Well-Known Member
And this whole big stink about plants in a babies room I don't get. It's not meth people, the plants can't do anything negative in any way to anyone so what the heck would that matter other than your own hangups?

Unfair stigma, it's a healthy harmless plant. It's more risky to have hampster, your baby might get fleas or something.