please help. leaf tips curling up and brown and yellowing of leaves +rep

The first pic is from my main female which is doing very nice,the second is from my other female which is very big. can someone tell me what the problem is ?
looks like light/heat stress... what do u have for a setup? what kind of nutes? soil or hydro?
they are outside plants, and im feeding them miracle grow liquid plant food. and there in pots. i was thinking heat stress but i moved them in my porch were they still get light just not directly and the problem continued so at this point i dont know what to think....


Active Member
Miracle grow food is super hot. you should only be feeding 1/4 strength.....probably a little bit of nute burn..
I would flush and wait a cpple days then feed 1/4 strength nutes.
Miracle grow food is super hot. you should only be feeding 1/4 strength.....probably a little bit of nute burn..
I would flush and wait a cpple days then feed 1/4 strength nutes.

ah i see well ppl on here were telling me it was nute deficiency so i gave them a lil fert last night with some water but not alot... they didnt seem to be worse today they just looked the same.... how do u suppose i go about flushing, sorry im kinda new to all of that.


Active Member
Flush with 3x the amont of water than soil. (2 gallon pot .. 6 gallons of water)Make sure that your water is ph adjusted to 6.5 or so. Wait a cpple days then feed 1/4 strength bytes.


Active Member
Np... By the way there is an entire thread on here dedicated to MG growers. With a quick search you should be able to get all the info u need for a great grow.
