Please Help!! leaf curl, does anyone know about flushing out excess nutes?


Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and posted a question over in the plant problem area ( dealing with locked up Purple Kush leaf curl & nutrient burn, how long to flush? ) with photos, but I am using a hydro ebb flow system so maybe over here someone has more experience with nutrient overload/lockup?
This is first time for Purple Kush plants. They have nute burn and stopped growing. I'm wondering if anyone can recommend how long to flush? I'm using Gen Hyd flora it was at 1100 ppm, now at 475ppm. I have flushed some, but no response.
I accidently got the angry icon in my post and I tried to delete it, but its still there.
I'm not angry, just wondering if these plants can be saved?:peace:
Thank you :neutral:


Active Member
I can say that they can be saved. I have done some terrible tings to my ladies from time to time but they allways recover. Just give them a week or so. I nute burn from time to time while in veg but once its corrected I get new growth with pretty green leaves. I end up cutting the burned parts off.


Well-Known Member
When I have nutrient burn, I can see my roots and this is a huge advantage really because if you look closely you can see the hairs are burnt. It does give me the ability to give you some of my observations though, this can help you too.

Reduced lighting after nutrient burn is like one of those no brainers and I have no clue what an acceptable PPM in EBB&Flow is, but obviously 1100 for Purple Kush is a no go.. But if you burnt the ever loving crap out of them I would recommend reducing to 1/4th of your last good known number. So say you were at 800PPM and you moved to 1100PPM, you burn I would say go to 200PPM but this is my response in flower. In veg I would back the lights off almost unusable, reduce to water and wait for signs of recovery then I would very gingerly move them back to a more reasonable schedule.

I don't grow in EBB & Flow again, those previous two posters probably are dead right flush for a week but I guess in EBB & Flow you treat burnt flowering plants and burnt vegging plants the same with no regard to age of plant, seems a little confusing to me.

One warning I would like to give which I am sure is universal. Most newbies, the ones with problems anyway, have a few things in common which boil down to an attitude or way of looking at it. Some people whom grow with the system I grow with might try to start off at 1500PPM, ridiculously unnecessary even if you did run increased levels of C02 and as a matter of fact I am having more growth now with less nutrients then I did with more. I am currently running 450PPM of nutrients on 4 footers, 4 weeks in flower and then my carbs don't register on PPM and I am seeing more than inches a day growth, actually I am in big trouble right now I will have to start bending them around.

I wish I could help more I have no knowledge of a great answer to this with EBB & Flow but I thought I would throw some stuff out there, maybe you could use something from it.

Edit: Forgot to mention that is 450PPM, 2000w @ 4 weeks flower in an 8x5 space, 85F/65F, 1200-1500PPM (i have a 4 burner c02 generator in an 8x5 it over fills with c02 and hits 1500, it is set to 1200!)