Please help, i need advice fast!


Active Member
ok, so i took 6 bagseeds frfom a bag of some killer nugz and planted em. They spent the first 30 dyas or so outside until they got around 7 inches and were too noticable to the neighbors so i moved em inside. they are now about 13-14 inches and healthy, but i do need advice. I have good vertical growth on them but only that, how can i get better growth at the nodes? they are barely growing, maybe a tenth of an inch showing, how can i speed this up and make my plant bushy and short instead of tall and skinny, as i only want my plants to reach about 20-24 inches tall. Also, does anyone have a good method of topping my plants safely, so i can stop vertical growth when its time, and like i said before, get my plants to bush out. Any advice is greatly appreciated!! :joint:

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Folks are gonna need more info.

What type/size light do you have on 'em?

What kind of soil mix did you use?

What fertilizers, etc have they been given?

What light schedule are you using currently?

that's a start. pictures are always a plus....

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Need some more info, particlarly we're looking at your light situation. What are you using for lights? Sounds like you're plants are stretching like crazy. Since you are just starting out, I'm going to try to tell you the basic things that always get missed by first timers and that you will certainly post about later...

Lights: Not even going to get into this until you let us know what you are using and what your grow room/setup is looking like.

Ventilation: It can't be hot, 'nough said.

Watering: Pick up your pot when it is COMPLETELY dry. Feel how heavy it is. That's when you water again! Don't keep the soil moist. Water it heavily, then let it dry out. Heavily, but not Noah's Ark heavy!

Soil: Whatever soil you get, make sure to mix it with vermiculite or perlite to aid in good drainage and oxygenation of the roots. They have it at all nurseries. Will definitely help you avoid the detriments of overwatering.

Nutrients: Don't go crazy with the nutrients. Very small dosages. The plants will grow with very little so don't kill them by trying to make them grow, it just doesn't make sense.

Now, go forth and read the GrowFAQ. Read it many times, read it well. There are a shit ton of good articles in there and if you spend a day reading it you will be well on your way to a successful first grow instead of a million threads asking the same question every newbie does and looking like an idiot. Some of the questions I asked in the beginning I now feel like an idiot for asking, they are in the GrowFAQ!

Good Luck, Good Growing, and hopefully happy smoking!