Please help!! First patient!!

First, thanks for even reading this!! I have had no luck with other boards. I have a few ladies growing and when i first put them in I used tap water adn feed without checking ph. After the first watering they turned brown, curled up, i checked the ph before their weekly watering on sunday and went ahead with watering then after they were looking worse I decided to flush them last night. I flushed them with tap adjusted to 6.3 adn added 1/2 strength (.6tsp/gal) of iguana juice grow and 1/2 strength piranha. this was tested as well and brought it to about 6.4 or so. I am growing in promix and 3 gal bux. The damage seems to be mostly of sun leaves. Can someone please give me some advice? Plants look pretty good other than a few leaves from each plant...mostly sunleaves. thanks alot....I am very determined to make this work and have spent a fortune!!! and my legs hurt!!!!!!! thnks..... :peace:


Well-Known Member
you are on the right track. When in doubt flush with water and mild solution. Measure PH from runoff also so you get the right numbers. Make sure you are using a complete feeding soloution that has evertthing. As a med user organics is in your best interest and also much easier to manage. I use Pure Blend Pro and Liquid Karma and that's it. I use it at quarter to half streingth for the first 6 weeks of flower than just water for the last 2 weeks.

If on city water fill a pail or garbage can and let it sit for a day or 2 before using. You could get a small air pump and air stone at Wallmart for 20$ let it run all the time in the water. Helps defuse the chlorine and fluoride they put in the water.

Go get a bag of Coco and mix with your Promix. Mix at a rate of 25 to 50% with the promix. Your plants will love you for it. Read the info on the bag before you buy it to make sure you get the right stuff of ask you Hydro store guy. You don't need to do anything to the coco just mix in.

All the best



Active Member
How old are your plants ? sounds like a nutrient deffeciency however its hard to say without pics :?
when i got them they were clones. That was thursday, november 22nd. They were 3 weeks old and about 14" tall. I transplanted them into 20% perlite and rest promix with mycoride-3 gal bux. I put them under 600watt mh 18" from canopy. walls are just drywall color not painted. humidity is staying low around 38% at times. that is at plant level as i have 3 thermoms and 2 hygrom at different levels. At head height it has never went below 40%. At plant height where it is warmer it is lower by about 4% rh. The intake air has no "draw" just a 6by 12 hole cut into drywall approximately 8" off ground with a screen closing it off. I have a 6" whole in the wall closest to rear of maxwing reflector. this is for an inline fan/carbon filter. For right now i don't have the fan/carbon filter all i have is a big strong ass fan screwed into joists and blowing air out.

humidity dropped about same time they started turning brown at tips.
i fed with recmmended dose of advanced nutrients iguana juice grow.
I added piranha to feed as well by following directions on bottle.
Each time i put water in them i was adding ph tap water of about 8ph.
leaves getting worse about 2 days after feed.
think it is deficiency and flush with 15 gallon of adjusted tap water to 6.3/6.4. last night monday nov. 30th. fed with 1/2 strength iguana juice grow and 1/2 strength piranha both by advanced nutrients.
leaves look worse today.
basically, i flushed each 3gal plant with a 5 gallon bucket of adjusted water 3 times. during the third and final bucket of each flush i took a 2 quart container with iguana juice grow and piranha both at half strength and poured over soil. this was done only after all water but the 2qt container had drained into sink and sat idle for about 20 minutes. then last pour had flush. Last 2 qts of each 15 gallon had nutrients added with adjusted ph of 6.3/6.4.

pics: the first is from 11/21
next 3 from 11/26


more pics....
first two: 11/27/09
next six: 11/30/09
rest: 6:15 pm 12/01/09

