Please HELP diagnose sick weed---WITH PICS


Active Member
Hi all

here are some pics of some weed i started growing and just in a few days they turning all yellow and dying :cry::cry::cry:
I planted them in some regular soil from my garden, maybe thats the problem cos i dont think its very good soil, I was also feeding them with some general fert that mixes into water but since the yellowing i've only sprayed them with water cos i dont wanna over do it an kill em. anyhow I read all the posts about diagnosing problems but I cant figure out whats going wrong,




Active Member
transplant to new soil,looks like a nutrient def,fungus or over watering.check your roots for rotting.but first check the ph in the soil.keep doing diffrent things until you figure out the problem.1 step at a time


Well-Known Member
they look a little too young to be feeding plus the soil your using is probably more like mud which doesnt allow proper drainage of excess water plus it makes it harder for roots to breath and grow!definatly get some proper soil asap and some perlite,mix about 25% perlite with the soil and your good to go!plus the mud ya using probably lacks the kinda nutrients you have in quality soil.


Active Member
that looks like nute burn, did the yellowing start at the tips and work its way to the base?